Spinal traction (stretching the spine) in Abano Terme - indications and contraindications

Homepage Italy Abano Terme What is being treated Manipulations Spinal traction (stretching the spine)

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Spinal traction (stretching the spine) in Abano Terme

Spinal traction or dry spinal traction is most often carried out under the patient’s own body weight. For the treatment using special traction tables - horizontal or vertical. The duration of the dry stretching procedure varies from a few minutes to an hour. Indications for traction: spinal injuries, spinal curvature (scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis), nerve infringement (radicular syndrome, sciatica). If the back pain is caused by a pinched nerve, it is necessary to achieve decompression. If the patient has a hernia from 3 mm, then traction of the spine is undesirable. After traction, the patient must strengthen the muscles of the back, otherwise this procedure may give complications.

Spa hotel
Bus tours
This service is only available to clients from Germany to Czech and Polish spas and includes a minibus transfer from your home, accommodation in a hotel of your choice and a subsequent transfer back home.
  • Abano Terme


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