Page 2: What procedures are performed in Jachymov, Czech Republic

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Procedures in Jachymov

Herbal bath

Herbal bath

Extracts of herbs and essential oils are added to the bath, which have a calming effect on the nervous system, have a positive effect on the skin, and relieve pain.

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In the bath, vortex flows are created, which carry out micro-massage, relieving muscle tension, providing a general relaxing effect.

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Charcot shower

Charcot shower

The procedure uses alternately hot (38-40 °C) and cold (18-20 °C) water. Charcot shower (Scottish douche) has a very tonic effect, improves blood circulation, activates the immune system and metabolism. This procedure also massages well and relieves muscle pain in degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Also shown in patients with circulatory disorders of the upper and lower extremities. Restrictions to the procedure: varicose veins and some skin diseases. Contraindications: pronounced cardiovascular pathologies (angina, heart attack), exacerbation of hypertension, fever, acute inflammation, tuberculosis, oncology, bleeding tendency, psychosis, weeping eczema.

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Indian massage

Indian massage

Indian massage techniques are based on the effects on acupuncture points, which helps to eliminate pain in the head, various parts of the spine. Indian massage improves blood circulation, increases muscle elasticity, and has a general relaxing effect.

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Individual physiotherapy

Individual physiotherapy

Individual physiotherapy is the most common treatment for patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is conducted by a single patient physiotherapist, taking into account his individual health condition. According to statistics, in more than 80% of cases, patients have an improvement in the state of the musculoskeletal system, reduced pain, improved the condition of muscles and ligaments.

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Used to treat infectious, allergic and chronic diseases of the respiratory tract, including in their postoperative or post-traumatic condition. Mineral water is most commonly used in inhalation, which is sprayed onto microscopic particles that are inhaled through the mouth or nose. Doctors recommend breathing in with your mouth and exhaling with your nose. Medications can also be added to the water as prescribed by the doctor. Inhalation promotes mucus and sputum, purification of mucosal cells. Some types of mineral waters (for example, water from the “Forest” source in Marianske Lazne, Czech Republic) contribute to the removal of mucus even from the bronchi.

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Kneipp Path

Kneipp Path

Kneipp path is a type of hydrotherapy, tempering procedure. The track is a series of tanks, which, due to the touch nozzles that are triggered when the foot enters the unit, are automatically filled with cold and warm water. Regular use of this procedure strengthens the immune system, stimulates blood circulation and improves the blood supply to the lower extremities.

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Laser therapy

Laser therapy

Laser therapy is part of physiotherapy. Depending on the doctor's prescription, it is applied in a constant or pulsed mode, locally or on wider areas of the body. The effect of laser therapy is manifested in the fact that the light energy absorbed by the cells triggers important biochemical processes that accelerate vascular regeneration, increase oxygen absorption by the tissues, and promotes accelerated healing of wounds. In general, laser therapy has anti-inflammatory, biostimulating, analgesic effect.

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Local cryotherapy

Local cryotherapy

Cryotherapy - a method of using cold factor for treatment. It is used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system (gouty arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, polyosteoarthritis), respiratory organs, metabolism, immune system, skin diseases (acne, rosacea, seborrhea). Short-term effects on the body of low temperatures activates the adaptation resources of the body, increases resistance to stress, inhibits inflammation, reduces swelling, improves motor functions. In cryotherapy, 3 methods are used: labile - cooling a large surface of the body in the so-called cryosauna, stable - deep rapid cooling of a limited surface (for example, a joint) using a special apparatus and a combined - combining the first two.

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Magnetic therapy

Magnetic therapy

Magnetic therapy is a method of influencing an organism with a constant or variable low-frequency magnetic field. The magnetic field has an anesthetic and sedative effect, accelerates capillary blood flow and increases the blood filling of blood vessels. Magnetotherapy normalizes the function of the adrenal glands, the thyroid gland, the sex glands, has a positive effect on the nervous system, helps to increase the body's resistance to various diseases.

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Manual lymphatic drainage massage

Manual lymphatic drainage massage

Manual Lymphatic drainage massage (pneumopressure, pressure therapy) - a special type of massage, which is carried out by a physiotherapist, is usually prescribed for disorders of lymph flow. Massage is performed by stroking movements of the hands. There is a release of the body from slags, toxins, fluid accumulated in the tissues.

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Massage with honey

Massage with honey

Honey massage effectively cleanses the skin, improves its elasticity, absorbs toxins. This is a good method of treating vegetative dystonia, bronchitis, pneumonia, as well as a pleasant way to strengthen the immune system.

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Nordic walking

Nordic walking

Nordic walking is an effective form of physical activity, involving the use of certain walking techniques with the use of special sticks, thanks to which the load is distributed simultaneously to all the muscles of the body. It is suitable for people of any age, gender and physical training. There are practically no contraindications to Nordic walking. Indications for appointment are: osteochondrosis, scoliosis, lung disease, chronic back pain, shoulder and neck pain, vascular dystonia, Parkinson's disease, insomnia, overweight and obesity.

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Own balneological centre

Own balneological centre

This spa hotel has its own balneological center.

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Oxygen therapy

Oxygen therapy

Oxygen therapy is a method of treating oxygen by inhalation. It is used in many diseases of the circulatory and respiratory organs. Also, this method can be used for gastric ulcer, gastritis, liver and kidney diseases, inflammation of the joints. Oxygen therapy is effective in treating oxygen deficiency in the central nervous system, which is most common in the elderly, as well as in inflammation of the nerves. In addition, it helps with heart rhythm disorders. Oxygen therapy is contraindicated in metabolic disorders, acute inflammatory disease, bleeding, blood clotting disorders.

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Paraffin wrap

Paraffin wrap

The procedure improves joint mobility, reduces chronic pain, activates immune processes, and has anti-inflammatory effects.

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Partial massage

Partial massage

It is applied locally on specific problem areas of the body - head, neck, legs, feet.

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Pearl baths

Pearl baths

Pearl baths (can be carried out on the basis of both ordinary water and mineral water) have a massaging effect on the body due to the tactile action of water bubbles. This procedure also nourishes the body with oxygen, eliminates oxygen deficiency in tissues, which is present in a number of diseases. Pearl baths stimulate blood circulation, accelerate the resorption of inflammatory processes, relax muscles, eliminate cramps, reduce pain in the musculoskeletal system, accelerate the elimination of toxins from the body.

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Pearl bath with additives

Pearl bath with additives

Water is saturated with air through the bubble grid, as a result of which micro-massage of the skin is performed, blood circulation improves, muscle tension is relieved. The main effect of a bubble bath is deep relaxation. The therapeutic effect is added to the bath salts or herbal infusions.

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Radon bath

Radon bath

Radon baths are very effective in a number of diseases. They normalize the peripheral circulation and heart function, stabilize blood pressure, improve blood composition, reduce the increased function of the thyroid gland and ovaries, promote the growth and regeneration of tissues with burns, wounds, ulcers. From numerous clinical observations, it is known that radon baths have an analgesic effect. When taking a radon bath for 20 minutes, 0.5% of radon in water enters the body; 2% of decomposition products (so-called active plaque) settle on the skin, 90% of radon from water accumulates in the skin. After leaving the bath, half-life products are actively excreted from the body through the lungs (60%) and through the skin (40%). This elimination ends 4-5 hours after the procedure. When passing a course of 15 radon baths with a concentration of 80 nano-curie per liter (average water radioactivity), the radiation dose is comparable to the monthly natural background of irradiation.

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