Zalmanov bath in Karlovy Vary - indications and contraindications

Homepage Czech Republic Karlovy Vary What is being treated Manipulations Zalmanov bath

Spa hotel
Bus tours
This service is only available to clients from Germany to Czech and Polish spas and includes a minibus transfer from your home, accommodation in a hotel of your choice and a subsequent transfer back home.

Zalmanov bath in Karlovy Vary

Zalmanov bath is a bath based on turpentine. Turpentine baths expand blood vessels, accelerate metabolic processes, relieve stress, have a bactericidal and analgesic effect, tone up the skin, trigger the body's regeneration processes, help fight excess weight and cellulite. There are three types of turpentine baths: white, yellow and mixed. Whites increase the pressure and, in addition to turpentine, contain salicylic acid, powdered baby soap and camphor spirit. Yellow, on the contrary, lower blood pressure and contain castor oil, caustic soda and oleic acid. Zalmanov mixed baths do not affect pressure, have fewer contraindications, but have a less pronounced effect on the body. The procedure has a wide range of applications and is prescribed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs, nervous system, urinary tract, endocrine, gynecological and skin diseases. The procedure is prescribed only by doctor's prescription.

Spa hotel
Bus tours
This service is only available to clients from Germany to Czech and Polish spas and includes a minibus transfer from your home, accommodation in a hotel of your choice and a subsequent transfer back home.
  • Karlovy Vary


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