- Smrdáky
Treatment scleroderma in Smrdáky
A disease of the connective tissue characterized by compaction of the skin and narrowing of small vessels. The process of compaction is called sclerotherapy. The first symptoms of scleroderma are thickening of the skin and pronounced swelling, debuting on the fingers and hands, eventually migrating to the forearms and face. Torso and legs are affected extremely rarely. Over time, tissues atrophy and pigmentation changes. Linear and patchy forms of scleroderma have a benign course and almost always end in complete recovery. A dangerous form is systemic scleroderma, affecting not only the skin, but also the musculoskeletal system, the connective tissue of internal organs. In case of systemic scleroderma Raynaud's syndrome, arthritis, muscle weakness are developed. The disease can be complicated by deformities of the limbs, pulmonary fibrosis. Light forms of scleroderma go away on their own, but patients with systemic scleroderma need complex and long-term therapy, including the administration of antifibrotic and enzymatic preparations, glucocorticosteroids, massage, electrophoresis, laser therapy, acupuncture, and balneological treatment.