Konstantinovy Lazne – Hotels reviews about treatment and rest for 2024 year, Czech Republic

Homepage Czech Republic Konstantinovy Lazne Rewiews

What our guests say about Konstantinovy Lazne?

Visitors have provided 18 reviews

Get to know our clients' reviews who have visited Konstantinovy Lazne. All reviews were created after leaving the hotel and are based on the personal experience of each guest. We hope that our guests' experiences will help you during your stay in Konstantinovy Lazne.

Guest reviews

31. 05. 2024
Valerij S.
Everything is fine, as always!!!
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06. 05. 2024
Hermann B.
A very quiet and relaxing place. Here you can relax and unwind. The treatments contribute to your well-being. However, some departments are in urgent need of renovation as nothing has changed in 20 years.
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17. 10. 2023
Valerij S.
Everything is fine!!!
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08. 10. 2022
Valerij S.
It's all ok!
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24. 09. 2022
Victor I.
The place is certainly very unique for those who love peace and quiet.
27. 06. 2022
Michael M.
10 excellent
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08. 02. 2022
Horst D.
Did not meet the expectations described
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01. 10. 2020
Александр В.
Only ---
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29. 03. 2020
Olga B.
I love Konstantinka very much. For silence, peace, tranquility in nature. The sanatorium and hotels have wonderful, wonderful staff. We Russians have already become close to our doctor Nailya. Health and prosperity to her! Upon my arrival, she was sick, did not work, and things started to go wrong, unfortunately. I had a very tiring flight on March 2 with a flight delay of many hours. Therefore, I arrived at the hotel late, very tired, broken, hungry and sick. The day is gone. And the next day there was a late doctor’s appointment, the baths were no longer working, so we were unable to relieve stress from the road as we would have liked. The day also disappeared. Of course, later I received all the required number of procedures, but this is about something else.. I have been coming to Konstantinki for several years. Exclusively because of the mineral. baths that help me resist hypertension and angina.
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04. 03. 2020
Alexander L.
The resort for heart patients and those with musculoskeletal problems is simply GREAT!!!
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28. 01. 2020
Юрий Л.
For those who love hiking
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12. 12. 2019
Fedor S.
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30. 11. 2019
Alexey K.
A small quiet resort surrounded by beautiful nature.
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11. 10. 2019
Valerij S.
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07. 10. 2019
Larissa K.
It’s a good resort. We visited Bali, we liked everything, every day after lunch we went along the routes planned earlier. During our 10-day stay, we had lunch only 3 times and dinner 2 times. If you didn’t go anywhere, it would be boring. But we traveled more to maintain health than for treatment. All procedures were agreed upon before 13.00, so there was time for travel.
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06. 09. 2019
Victor I.
We really enjoyed. Silence, water and air. An atmospheric place for complete treatment. This place is not a resort, there are no discos here, here at 21.00 life freezes, seriously ill people come here for treatment... From us, we give the highest score. Naturally, not everyone will like it. There are no noisy parties, no get-togethers, no youth clubs, be prepared that there is no entertainment of any kind, but, in our opinion, entertainment would be superfluous here. But if you want peace and tranquility, if you need therapeutic procedures and baths from natural sources, then this is the place for you.
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04. 08. 2019
Vitaly O.
The resort has very helpful staff. They go to a meeting on any issue. We were there for the first time and only for 5 days. The treatment was taken for the first time, but in a comprehensive manner. We didn't expect results. But to my great surprise it helped me. I'm extremely happy. I hope to come again.
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20. 07. 2019
Oleksandr N.
Excellent (but this resort is actually a hospital, i.e. you need to go there not to relax, but to be treated).
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