Marianske Lazne customer reviews site

Homepage Czech Republic Marianske Lazne Rewiews

What our guests say about Marianske Lazne?

Visitors have provided 3321 reviews

Get to know our clients' reviews who have visited Marianske Lazne. All reviews were created after leaving the hotel and are based on the personal experience of each guest. We hope that our guests' experiences will help you during your stay in Marianske Lazne.

Guest reviews

11. 09. 2019
Inessa P.
I rate the resort as excellent and recommend it to all my friends and couples.
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09. 09. 2019
Геннадий Н.
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09. 09. 2019
Ирина К.
Resort magnificent!!!
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08. 09. 2019
Oleksandr S.
Nice resort, but I would like better infrastructure and amenities
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07. 09. 2019
Svetlana L.
We recommend the Spa Hotel Krivan for relaxation
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06. 09. 2019
Arkadi V.
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04. 09. 2019
Галина С.
Highest rating. We hope to visit again (we've been 12 times)
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03. 09. 2019
Татiana S.
I visited the Mariansie Lazne resort three times. I'll come again if possible. Fell in love with this resort from the first visit. Extraordinary architecture, a beautiful park, clean air, healing water, procedures to maintain health.
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02. 09. 2019
Alexei P.
The resort is magnificent! It pleases the eye with its cleanliness, beautiful architecture, superbly clean air and surrounding forests. Thank you!
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02. 09. 2019
German K.
Unfortunately, I have nothing to compare with.
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02. 09. 2019
Bayram M.
As a resort it is very good to relax in Marians Lazne. Beautiful nature, a quiet corner and magnificent healing waters...
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02. 09. 2019
Alexandre G.
The resort is charming. A very beautiful town, there is everything you need for a good rest and treatment. If not through Sanatoriums, then I highly recommend it
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01. 09. 2019
Светлана П.
The resort is fantastic, beautiful parks, quit place, the fountain is gorgeous. We liked it more than Karlovy Vary.
01. 09. 2019
Elizaveta K.
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01. 09. 2019
Елена Я.
One of the best places on earth. The air, the treatment, the architecture of the city, the atmosphere and friendliness of this city are beyond praise. For 10 years now I have been returning from Marianske Lazne rested and in good health. Natural healing resources: mineral water, natural gas, together with the nature of the city, provide better treatment and relaxation. Relax in Marianske Lazne.
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01. 09. 2019
Лариса К.
I liked the resort itself (springs, nature)!!! We didn’t like the hotel:( We won’t go to this hotel again!
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01. 09. 2019
Galina K.
Nice, beautiful place. Peaceful holiday.
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31. 08. 2019
Yury G.
Marianske Lazne resort is a great place for relaxation and treatment. I recommend it to everyone who is indicated for treatment with its mineral waters and to everyone who does not need treatment and has doubts about choosing a place to relax. Advice to the employees of the website, responsible for organizing excursion trips in the Czech Republic and Europe: I would really like to make trips to Eastern Europe, including to Poland through its cities, to the countries of the former Yugoslavia with their amazing nature, to Romania, to Bulgaria, the Scandinavian countries, the mountains of Switzerland, the Saxon and Czech Switzerland reserve with the participation of tourists from Marianske Lazne. Many routes to Western Europe are no longer relevant for tourists who vacation in Marianske Lazne many times. It is recommended to update your tourist trips, which will inevitably affect the growth in the number of tourists who love not only treatment in Lazne, but also tourist trips, long and short, throughout Europe and in major cities of the Czech Republic itself. Best regards, Yuri Grossman.
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30. 08. 2019
Volfida S.
I like very much.
30. 08. 2019
Eldar J.
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30. 08. 2019
Ovsyannikova G.
The resort is excellent, we have been vacationing for 8 years
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30. 08. 2019
Владимир И.
Wonderful resort!
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29. 08. 2019
Evgeny G.
Very good for a relaxing holiday and treatment.
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28. 08. 2019
Boriss S.
Wonderful resort.
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28. 08. 2019
Галина Г.
This is a fairytale!
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27. 08. 2019
Mavlyuda A.
I liked everything: many different sources, clean mountain air, beautiful nature, which also heal.
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27. 08. 2019
Inna L.
A wonderful place: climate, parks, forest paths, silence - everything contributes to a good rest. Lots of picturesque cafes, wonderful architecture. The proximity of Germany and other European countries allows you to travel by choosing excursions from any of the numerous excursion agencies. By the way, it’s convenient that your website sends an agent and you can book excursions from him. Thank you
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27. 08. 2019
Svetlana M.
It's boring, but you can stand it for a week. It's beautiful in summer.
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27. 08. 2019
Рахымжан Н.
Great resort
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26. 08. 2019
Evgenia S.
I really liked the resort. I visited for the third time (in spring, autumn and finally in summer)
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