Jurmala customer reviews site sanatoriums.com

Homepage Latvia Jurmala Rewiews

What our guests say about Jurmala?

Visitors have provided 414 reviews

Get to know our clients' reviews who have visited Jurmala. All reviews were created after leaving the hotel and are based on the personal experience of each guest. We hope that our guests' experiences will help you during your stay in Jurmala.

Guest reviews

23. 10. 2020
Ludmila D.
👍 Jurmala is good in any weather.
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23. 10. 2020
Ольга К.
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20. 10. 2020
Светлана А.
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19. 10. 2020
Nikolajs R.
We liked it. Make repairs and it will be a fairy tale.
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18. 10. 2020
Сергей К.
Everything was great. We were lucky with the weather.
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18. 10. 2020
Fayzia K.
18. 10. 2020
Валерий Ш.
There are no words. For more than 70 years I have had the good fortune to relax on the Jurmala seaside.
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17. 10. 2020
Galina D.
Jurmala, a wonderful resort!
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16. 10. 2020
Angelina Č.
15. 10. 2020
Nadežda K.
Very good
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14. 10. 2020
Irina A.
I hope to comfortably find the information of interest
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13. 10. 2020
Anžela D.
Everything is fine.
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11. 10. 2020
Jelena Z.
Jurmala is falling into disrepair
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09. 10. 2020
Alla M.
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09. 10. 2020
Бирута Б.
Everything is great - good procedures, excellent menu, peace and fresh air.
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07. 10. 2020
Лариса Ф.
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06. 10. 2020
Ludmila Z.
05. 10. 2020
Aleksejs M.
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04. 10. 2020
Zenta P.
Sanatorium of a high level of service and treatment
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29. 09. 2020
Алексей Л.
Very convenient location to the sea and a well-thought-out schedule of procedures
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29. 09. 2020
Ольга М.
Since I live in Estonia, I had to visit Riga and Jurmala on short visits, but not for as long as this time. Jurmala has always been famous for its length of snow-white beaches, which is more than 30 km. In addition, it consists of 16 districts and has its own unique characteristics. In a short period of time /14 days/, I tried to visit and see the sights of Jurmala, walk along the famous Jomas Street, /except Kemeri, the “White Dune” on the banks of the Lielupe/. This means that we still need to come back here. With uv. Olga.
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26. 09. 2020
Владимир Ж.
26. 09. 2020
Марина Т.
In good weather - great!
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25. 09. 2020
Vitālijs A.
There is a desire to return again.
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25. 09. 2020
Zoja V.
Sanatorium Belarus is beyond praise! I haven’t been to the others, so no comments.
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25. 09. 2020
Ирина К.
24. 09. 2020
Виктор Г.
Jurmala is excellent.
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21. 09. 2020
Jadvyga K.
18. 09. 2020
Людмила Г.
I was satisfied with everything, thank you.
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17. 09. 2020
Jelena T.
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