Naftalan customer reviews site

Homepage Azerbaijan Naftalan Rewiews

What our guests say about Naftalan?

Visitors have provided 232 reviews

Get to know our clients' reviews who have visited Naftalan. All reviews were created after leaving the hotel and are based on the personal experience of each guest. We hope that our guests' experiences will help you during your stay in Naftalan.

Guest reviews

06. 02. 2022
Павел К.
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28. 01. 2022
Galina P.
20. 01. 2022
Akbota M.
rating 5 out of 5
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29. 12. 2021
Евгения М.
I liked the sanatorium-hotel, the quality of accommodation and service are good with some moments of uncoordinated work in the sanatorium, but I think they should improve the quality of service.
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02. 12. 2021
Dmitry N.
The portal provides the necessary services, reservations, etc. The Naytalan resort needs to be developed: good prospects.
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26. 11. 2021
Юлия К.
It’s a good portal, I’ve been using your site’s services for three years now. Overall satisfied
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11. 11. 2021
Юлия П.
Everything is at the highest level, well done
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29. 10. 2021
Сергей Т.
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25. 10. 2021
Viacheslav K.
A combination of a unique natural resource (naftalan) and kind, caring specialists!
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24. 10. 2021
Зарик Л.
A wonderful resort, we will definitely come, and probably more than once, if only the pandemic doesn’t get in the way.
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18. 10. 2021
Андрей Н.
Wonderful, but far from civilization.
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18. 10. 2021
Emil G.
Everything is fine.
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08. 10. 2021
Вячеслав Ф.
I liked everything, thank you very much to Murshud, we will come again
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16. 09. 2021
Liudmila N.
A resort for medicinal purposes. And so, if I’ve traveled a lot around the world, I haven’t seen any gasps and delights. And I don’t need it. There was another task - time will tell. I hope for a positive result
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24. 05. 2021
Jeyhun R.
I like it.
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16. 05. 2021
Rafiq B.
The Karabakh sanatorium in Naftalan, in all respects, is not inferior to foreign sanatoriums
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13. 04. 2021
Ləman A.
Everything was fine👍.
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01. 04. 2021
Надежда С.
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16. 12. 2020
Яшар Р.
The resort itself is good, but again, a lot can be improved and the pandemic is not an obstacle to this
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03. 10. 2020
Алла Д.
A wonderful resort.
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28. 06. 2020
Бурхан Т.
Everything is great, naphthalan really helps! 🥰🥰🥰
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26. 04. 2020
Rifat A.
A wonderful resort, I advise everyone to visit it. And most importantly, naphthalan baths.
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03. 04. 2020
Ирина Г.
We really liked the Naftalan resort.
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31. 03. 2020
Надежда У.
Wonderful resort! We'll be back again this year!
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30. 03. 2020
Liudmila I.
We arrived at the resort during a very difficult period of the economic crisis and the announcement of the coronavirus pandemic: 1. the shock was the increase in the cost of the trip by 22% 2, cancellation of flights (we were forced to buy new tickets) 3. a significant increase in the cost of the return transfer, difficulties getting to the airport 4, suspension of operations at ATMs. Tour operator Murshud, at the reception in Chinar Omer, doctor Gadzhieva Elnara Sakhipovna, highly professional. I liked the treatment and service
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30. 03. 2020
Галина П.
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23. 03. 2020
Ирина С.
Very good
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23. 03. 2020
Анна Т.
Great place for treatment
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20. 03. 2020
Людьмила Т.
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16. 03. 2020
Irina R.
A unique resort that really helps people recover from their ailments!
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