Page 3: What procedures are performed in Birstonas, Lithuania

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Procedures in Birstonas

Laser therapy

Laser therapy

Laser therapy is part of physiotherapy. Depending on the doctor's prescription, it is applied in a constant or pulsed mode, locally or on wider areas of the body. The effect of laser therapy is manifested in the fact that the light energy absorbed by the cells triggers important biochemical processes that accelerate vascular regeneration, increase oxygen absorption by the tissues, and promotes accelerated healing of wounds. In general, laser therapy has anti-inflammatory, biostimulating, analgesic effect.

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Light therapy

Light therapy

Light therapy is the use of bright rays that are able to penetrate deep into the tissues of the body, but they do not contain ultraviolet radiation. Polarized light acts at the cellular level, therefore, the body accelerates the processes of metabolism and synthesis of substances necessary for normal life. One of the most important purposes of this method is stimulation of the body’s immune system.

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Magnetic therapy

Magnetic therapy

Magnetic therapy is a method of influencing an organism with a constant or variable low-frequency magnetic field. The magnetic field has an anesthetic and sedative effect, accelerates capillary blood flow and increases the blood filling of blood vessels. Magnetotherapy normalizes the function of the adrenal glands, the thyroid gland, the sex glands, has a positive effect on the nervous system, helps to increase the body's resistance to various diseases.

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Manual lymphatic drainage massage

Manual lymphatic drainage massage

Manual Lymphatic drainage massage (pneumopressure, pressure therapy) - a special type of massage, which is carried out by a physiotherapist, is usually prescribed for disorders of lymph flow. Massage is performed by stroking movements of the hands. There is a release of the body from slags, toxins, fluid accumulated in the tissues.

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Massage with honey

Massage with honey

Honey massage effectively cleanses the skin, improves its elasticity, absorbs toxins. This is a good method of treating vegetative dystonia, bronchitis, pneumonia, as well as a pleasant way to strengthen the immune system.

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Mineral bath

Mineral bath

Mineral baths have on the body at the same time mechanical, thermal and chemical effects. Mechanical due to hydrostatic effect, which improves blood microcirculation in the body. The warmth of mineral water warms up internal organs, improves metabolism, and has an analgesic effect. Chemicals contained in mineral water (and this, as a rule, iron, bromine, boron, silicon, sodium, calcium, potassium and magnesium) affect the skin reflexively, irritating nerve endings, and humorically, that is, penetrate the skin, saturating blood. In addition, the patient, while in the bath, inhales the vapors of mineral water, which are useful from the point of view of the effects on the respiratory organs.

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Mud applications

Mud applications

Mud applications are the imposition of a layer of therapeutic mud (silt 4-6 cm, peat 6-8 cm) on different parts of the body, depending on the doctor's prescriptions in the localization of the pathological process. Usually the temperature of the mud is 38-42 degrees Celsius. There are several types of mud applications: "collar" (overlaying a layer of dirt on the collar area), "panties" (on the groin), "socks", "gloves". There are 3 phases in mud therapy. The first is the reflex phase, when the dirt acts on the skin receptors and it is through them that the central nervous system is affected (the central nervous system is responsible for the self-regulation of important vital processes in the body). The second phase is neurochemical, when biologically active substances are synthesized in the body, their circulation in the blood. The third phase is the reaction to the effects of therapeutic mud: the blood supply to various tissues and organs improves, the absorption of oxygen increases, the products of inflammatory processes (harmful substances, slags) are removed from the body, the protective mechanisms of the body are activated. The third phase is the longest of all (from 2 to 24 hours). Since mud applications are accompanied by less overheating of the body, put less stress on the cardiovascular system, they are more easily tolerated than mud baths.

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Mud bath

Mud bath

Mud baths are usually carried out on the basis of therapeutic peat mud with a temperature of 36-38 °C. Mud baths, in order to avoid excessive load on the body, should be carried out every other day. Therapeutic mud acts on the skin, and also penetrating through it, saturates the body with chemicals. Heat from the mud warms up the internal organs, which contributes to the flow of blood to them, inhibits the activity of the central nervous system. Mud bath reduces muscle tone, reduces blood pressure, reduces pain, removes pathogens from the skin, eliminates inflammatory processes. I especially want to note that when medicinal mud is mixed with mineral water, it leaches out, that is, minerals are released from it more actively, which enhances the therapeutic effect.

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Mud packs

Mud packs

Therapeutic mud in the packages is applied locally to the problem areas. Due to the thermal effect, muscle tension, pain syndrome is relieved, blood circulation improves, and metabolic processes are activated. Therapeutic mud has anti-inflammatory effects.

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Mud wraps

Mud wraps

The procedure consists in applying on the body a layer of curative mud heated to 40 degrees with a thickness of about 6 mm and then wrapping the patient with a film and a blanket to prolong the thermal effect. Mud wrapping has a powerful therapeutic effect: cleanses and stimulates all layers of the skin, helps muscles and ligaments relax, soothes the nervous system and improves sleep. Also, a complex body wrap normalizes blood circulation, reduces the intensity of joint pain, and also increases the amount of movement in the joints and spine.

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Nordic walking

Nordic walking

Nordic walking is an effective form of physical activity, involving the use of certain walking techniques with the use of special sticks, thanks to which the load is distributed simultaneously to all the muscles of the body. It is suitable for people of any age, gender and physical training. There are practically no contraindications to Nordic walking. Indications for appointment are: osteochondrosis, scoliosis, lung disease, chronic back pain, shoulder and neck pain, vascular dystonia, Parkinson's disease, insomnia, overweight and obesity.

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Own balneological centre

Own balneological centre

This spa hotel has its own balneological center.

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Oxygen cocktail

Oxygen cocktail

Oxygen cocktail is prepared on the basis of herbal tea, which is saturated with oxygen foam. Oxygen cocktail enriches the body with oxygen, helps with hypoxia, oxygen starvation, chronic fatigue, insomnia, restores the intestinal microflora, improves the digestive process.

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The main purpose of the procedure - thermal effects on problem areas. Parafango helps to reduce pain, has anti-inflammatory effects.

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Paraffin wrap

Paraffin wrap

The procedure improves joint mobility, reduces chronic pain, activates immune processes, and has anti-inflammatory effects.

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Partial massage

Partial massage

It is applied locally on specific problem areas of the body - head, neck, legs, feet.

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Pearl baths

Pearl baths

Pearl baths (can be carried out on the basis of both ordinary water and mineral water) have a massaging effect on the body due to the tactile action of water bubbles. This procedure also nourishes the body with oxygen, eliminates oxygen deficiency in tissues, which is present in a number of diseases. Pearl baths stimulate blood circulation, accelerate the resorption of inflammatory processes, relax muscles, eliminate cramps, reduce pain in the musculoskeletal system, accelerate the elimination of toxins from the body.

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Peloidokinesiotherapy is the use of sulfuric Piestian mud and a set of special exercises for the treatment of the finger joints of the upper limbs. The patient lowers his hands in a container with sulfuric mud and makes a cycle of exercises, according to the instructions drawn on the table. The finger joints are exposed to heat due to dirt, as a result of which blood circulation is improved, pain syndrome is removed. Simultaneously, sulfuric compounds penetrate through the pores of the skin, which contribute to the improvement of cartilage and bone tissue. The exercise cycle in conjunction with heat exposure allows you to develop mobility of the joints of the fingers, partially or completely remove the inflammatory process.

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Reflex foot massage

Reflex foot massage

With the help of a special technique, nerve endings are stimulated on the feet, which has a relaxing and analgesic effect. This massage has a positive effect on the lymphatic and immune system, normalization of the activity of the endocrine glands occurs.

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Reflex massage

Reflex massage

With the help of a special technique, nerve endings are stimulated in biologically active points, which has a relaxing and analgesic effect. This massage has a positive effect on the lymphatic and immune system, normalization of the activity of the endocrine glands occurs.

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