Palanga customer reviews site

Homepage Lithuania Palanga Rewiews

What our guests say about Palanga?

Visitors have provided 202 reviews

Get to know our clients' reviews who have visited Palanga. All reviews were created after leaving the hotel and are based on the personal experience of each guest. We hope that our guests' experiences will help you during your stay in Palanga.

Guest reviews

25. 11. 2021
Тамара Т.
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22. 11. 2021
Vabims J.
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10. 11. 2021
Natalja R.
I really liked it, I'll go back again.
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08. 11. 2021
Irina B.
A nice place to relax.
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25. 10. 2021
Sergey D.
A great place for a relaxing holiday.
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11. 09. 2021
Irena K.
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01. 09. 2021
Faina D.
It was nice and convenient.
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31. 08. 2021
Liudmila K.
22. 08. 2021
Diana D.
Forest, dirty sea, wind. Since it rarely gets hot in Lithuania, there is a high probability that the water will be cold, and at the end of summer there is a high probability that it will be rainy.
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20. 08. 2021
Svetlana K.
I love Palanga. But for some people it comes as a shock that the sea is not hot. Therefore, before ordering, find out what the weather is like near the Baltic Sea!
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18. 08. 2021
Svetlana L.
Beauty, we recommend
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15. 08. 2021
Tatiana A.
Palanga - love for centuries! I love Lithuania very much. Good health and success to everyone!
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15. 08. 2021
Natalja K.
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15. 08. 2021
Olga S.
I recommend staying in hotels with at least 4 stars.
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11. 08. 2021
Svetlana B.
Suitable for a relaxing time.
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09. 08. 2021
Liudmila R.
very picturesque place
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21. 07. 2021
Shaul P.
One of the best I know
30. 06. 2021
Lidija Č.
The location of the sanatorium is excellent, you can hear the birds singing, the sea is close, along the forest road it is very close to the center, but the sanatorium is so busy that there is no desire to go there
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27. 05. 2021
Violetta P.
Palanga resort is good for a relaxing holiday.
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20. 11. 2020
Svetlana D.
I recommend
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03. 11. 2020
Larysa M.
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16. 10. 2020
Jelena R.
Quiet, calm, cozy, smells of the sea and pine trees..))
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07. 10. 2020
Zoja T.
15 years ago we vacationed in Palanga for several years in a row and were very pleased with the friendly atmosphere in the city. Everything has changed dramatically. Hearing Russian speech, people tense up and do not try to hide it, but in the service sector you hear one phrase spoken without an accent, I DO NOT SPEAK RUSSIAN. There are many places in the world where people are smart enough to act friendly, regardless of the language the tourists speak. I always said: “How wonderful it is to relax in Palanga,” now I won’t say that.
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06. 10. 2020
Marina R.
An excellent place for relaxation and treatment.
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29. 09. 2020
Valentina G.
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16. 09. 2020
Vladimir S.
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11. 09. 2020
Nadejda E.
The food at the sanatorium could be more varied, the salads were often not fresh. There could be less baked goods and more fruit, especially in the fall
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10. 09. 2020
Anatolijs P.
The sanatorium is excellent, the food is super, the sea is nearby, but the bad thing is that there are no paths, you have to walk on the sand. I still recommend it to everyone, the food and procedures are better than in Jurmala.
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02. 09. 2020
Anatoli P.
Great place for relaxation!
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01. 09. 2020
Татьяна Л.
All liked it.
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