Palanga customer reviews site

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What our guests say about Palanga?

Visitors have provided 202 reviews

Get to know our clients' reviews who have visited Palanga. All reviews were created after leaving the hotel and are based on the personal experience of each guest. We hope that our guests' experiences will help you during your stay in Palanga.

Guest reviews

06. 03. 2020
Татьяна П.
Everything is great! Nature, living conditions, procedures, nutrition, attitude. Thank you for your work. See you
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29. 02. 2020
Julia Z.
Very good.
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05. 02. 2020
Sergejus S.
Normal ratio of quality and price. In addition to the provided paid massage.
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03. 02. 2020
Tatjana P.
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30. 01. 2020
Alexander K.
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20. 01. 2020
Лариса Ч.
Palanga is an unforgettable beauty of a coniferous forest and a beautiful sea, even in winter. I was impressed by the amber museum, pier, and church.
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13. 01. 2020
Блюдин А.
We rested for a week in the Gradiali sanatorium (Palanga). We were very satisfied. The staff is responsive and attentive, the procedures are varied, the hotel rooms are clean and comfortable, the food is excellent, dishes for every taste.
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09. 01. 2020
Nataliya S.
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09. 01. 2020
Максим К.
Nice small town
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06. 01. 2020
Irina G.
Excellent treatments, friendly staff, varied food, comfortable rooms! Thank you for your stay!
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05. 01. 2020
Marina K.
A very cozy city. We came here for the 3rd time already.
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27. 12. 2019
Olga G.
15. 12. 2019
Michail R.
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04. 12. 2019
Anastasiya K.
A wonderful place with access to the sea, clean air and beautiful scenery.
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30. 11. 2019
Juri T.
Wonderful, quiet, decent resort!
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24. 11. 2019
Anna T.
Beautiful resort
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12. 11. 2019
Игорь Ш.
Palanga is wonderful for us! Amazing place!
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07. 11. 2019
Tatjana B.
Everything is fine
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04. 11. 2019
Галина Ч.
A resort is just that, a resort, only at such times it’s cold and damp in Palanga, it’s better to come in the summer... In the south it’s warmer and the sea is hot, but to whom what?... But the nature is beautiful and for those with a thyroid gland it’s very useful to breathe on the Baltic seaside.. .
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03. 10. 2019
Галина Б.
Very wonderful
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27. 08. 2019
Marina Z.
Very good.
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25. 07. 2019
Наталья К.
I really liked it. Treats the respiratory system in children. Unique climate.
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