Page 6: What procedures are performed in Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic

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Procedures in Karlovy Vary

Underwater massage

Underwater massage

The massage is performed by the pressure of the water jet when the patient is immersed in a bath. The procedure effectively relaxes muscles, relieves spasms, activates blood circulation.

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Underwater spine traction

Underwater spine traction

UNDERWATER TRACTION - a method of treatment that combines the effects of mineral or fresh water on the body with traction techniques. Exposure to water at a temperature of 36-37 °C leads to a decrease in the tone of the striated muscles, this in turn leads to an increase in the distance between the vertebrae. The intervertebral foramen through which the spinal nerves pass are widening. It also provides the elimination of muscle contractures, eliminates vascular spasm - improves blood flow to the affected area, which facilitates traction. It is shown underwater traction in order to reduce disc protrusion, lumbosacral and cervical brachial radiculitis, as a result of osteochondrosis, with discogenic pain syndromes, initial manifestations of ankylosing spondylitis and deforming spondylosis, with spinal curvature. The relative contraindications for underwater traction include diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidney, liver, gallbladder. The doctor prescribes an underwater traction technique, depending on the location of the pathological changes, the patient’s position is chosen vertically or horizontally, time of the procedure and the use of additional weighting amount in the course of procedures. Underwater traction can be prescribed from 14-15 years. Repeated treatment if necessary can be done in 6-8 weeks.

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Underwater ultrasound therapy

Underwater ultrasound therapy

To influence the pathological lesions in the hands, feet and elbow joints, the vibrator is partially immersed in a bath of warm water and make them slow movements at a distance of 1 to 2 cm from the skin, relatively the localization of the pathological focus.

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Vacuum massage

Vacuum massage

Vacuum massage is a procedure that improves blood circulation and increases metabolism. Vacuum massage creates pressure drops, with the result that blood gets better to biologically active points, and regeneration processes are improved. Vacuum massage is contraindicated in: malignant tumors, acute inflammatory and infectious diseases, skin and blood diseases, acute rheumatism, tuberculosis, thrombophlebitis.

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Vaginal irrigation

Vaginal irrigation

Mineral water with a temperature of 38 °C is most often used for this procedure. It improves blood circulation, has a positive effect on the microflora, promotes the resorption of edema, stimulates the growth of lactobacteria, and inhibits the vital activity of pathological bacteria.

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Water supply from the spring

Water supply from the spring

In this spa hotel held thermal or mineral water (depending on what type of healing water is at a particular resort). This means that some water procedures (as a rule, mineral or thermal baths, pearl and carbon dioxide baths, hydroxer, gum irrigation, underwater massage, etc.) are carried out on the basis of natural healing water.

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Whirlpool bath for hands

Whirlpool bath for hands

Bath for upper limbs with a temperature of 35-38 °C. It has a massaging effect on the skin, warms the tissue. Relieves muscle spasms, improves blood circulation, has an anesthetic effect.

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Whirlpool baths for feet

Whirlpool baths for feet

The procedure can be carried out both in ordinary and in mineral water. As a result of water turbulence, the skin is massaged, promoting blood circulation and warming tissues. Accordingly activates metabolic processes and the removal of toxins from the body. Regular holding of the whirlpool leads to the elimination of muscle spasms and reduction of pain syndrome.

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Wine bath

Wine bath

Wine baths have a relaxing, tonic, immunostimulating, antioxidant and restorative effect. The effects of wine baths: strengthening the walls of blood vessels and activating blood circulation, improving the protective functions of the body, nutrition, moisturizing and softening the skin, anti-aging effect, accelerated elimination of toxins and toxins from the body, overall well-being, surge of energy and energy boost. Contraindications: acute infection, open wounds, diabetes, for adults only.

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Yoga classes have virtually no contraindications. They are conducted by experienced instructors who help correct the mental and physical state through a system of exercises and meditations.

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Zalmanov bath

Zalmanov bath

Zalmanov bath is a bath based on turpentine. Turpentine baths expand blood vessels, accelerate metabolic processes, relieve stress, have a bactericidal and analgesic effect, tone up the skin, trigger the body's regeneration processes, help fight excess weight and cellulite. There are three types of turpentine baths: white, yellow and mixed. Whites increase the pressure and, in addition to turpentine, contain salicylic acid, powdered baby soap and camphor spirit. Yellow, on the contrary, lower blood pressure and contain castor oil, caustic soda and oleic acid. Zalmanov mixed baths do not affect pressure, have fewer contraindications, but have a less pronounced effect on the body. The procedure has a wide range of applications and is prescribed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs, nervous system, urinary tract, endocrine, gynecological and skin diseases. The procedure is prescribed only by doctor's prescription.

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