Heviz customer reviews site sanatoriums.com

Homepage Hungary Heviz Rewiews

What our guests say about Heviz?

Visitors have provided 525 reviews

Get to know our clients' reviews who have visited Heviz. All reviews were created after leaving the hotel and are based on the personal experience of each guest. We hope that our guests' experiences will help you during your stay in Heviz.

Guest reviews

22. 09. 2019
Ludmila J.
Nice resort. But very expensive excursions. To any place, from any travel agency - 50 euros, for almost any excursion. It is strange that in the resort clinic of St. Andrew, the pharmacy operates on some kind of reduced schedule, creating queues during short opening hours!
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22. 09. 2019
Tatiana K.
The resort is excellent for older people. Unfortunately, there is little information in Russian. The daughter could not accept the spinal traction procedure, since after all the searches there was only time left for 2 procedures (for a two-week stay)..
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22. 09. 2019
Наталия О.
I'm just delighted!
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22. 09. 2019
Boris P.
The resort is amazing, the lake is truly healing
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20. 09. 2019
Thomas B.
The health resort of Heviz is beautiful and varied. You can enjoy your holiday in a relaxed manner at the spa town and in the surrounding area. The thermal lake is recommended.
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20. 09. 2019
Лариса Н.
The lake heals, all other treatment could be better.
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16. 09. 2019
Вера К.
Excellent, the water really helped us!
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14. 09. 2019
Фикрат А.
Everyone was very pleased! Thank you very much!
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14. 09. 2019
Enver V.
As always everything is a pleasure
13. 09. 2019
Elena V.
I was on vacation for the 5th time! I love Heviz very much for the wonderful thermal lake, for the wonderful resort atmosphere, for the friendliness and hospitality, for the delicious national Hungarian cuisine! I hope for further visits to this magical place!
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12. 09. 2019
Zinaida V.
I love Heviz. It’s a wonderful place. Here you can get quality treatment and accommodation for any budget. A large excursion program. The city is doing a lot of landscaping work. I came to Heviz many times and this year I saw that everything around me was becoming more and more beautiful. And of course, the main thing is that staying at the resort brings benefits
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11. 09. 2019
Yury S.
All liked it.
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10. 09. 2019
Елена Р.
This is not my first time on holiday in Heviz. Like everything. I hope to come back again.
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05. 09. 2019
Елена Т.
I really liked the effective treatment, the pleasant atmosphere of the resort, the lake helped me)
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03. 09. 2019
Евгения З.
The city is wonderful, clean, well-groomed. Lots of information in Russian.
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02. 09. 2019
Waldemar O.
Nice Town
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02. 09. 2019
Татьяна Д.
the place is great! the resort is developing and so is the service
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02. 09. 2019
Alexandre G.
One of my favorite places. Every summer I try to get here for at least a week. Excellent service everywhere, a magical lake, treatment that “charges” for a year of work. If you don't deal with Sanatoriums, then there is a complete lack of stress. Highly recommend.
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01. 09. 2019
Анна Ш.
Recommended for maintaining health
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31. 08. 2019
Сергей П.
Great resort!!! I want to come back!!!
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21. 08. 2019
Татьяна Т.
A pleasant place for relaxation and treatment: the service is European, and domestic prices are lower, in many respects lower than Russian ones. We'll definitely come again.
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19. 08. 2019
Vladimir B.
It was our first time in Heviz. I liked it, but time will tell how useful the treatment turned out to be...
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18. 08. 2019
Natalia L.
Amazing. For those who need a relaxing holiday. There is no entertainment at the resort
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13. 08. 2019
Diana P.
Great, I liked everything, the treatment helped
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12. 08. 2019
Tatiana K.
Super place of power - the focus of the four elements - sun, water, earth and air!
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12. 08. 2019
Svetlana K.
Very good for health. The resort is a pleasure.
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11. 08. 2019
Nina K.
Highly recommended as a health support and place to relax.
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10. 08. 2019
Нина К.
I liked the resort. Nature, treatment, city, people! Lake-pearl!
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05. 08. 2019
Виктор М.
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05. 08. 2019
Darya B.
Excellent, especially for people with joint problems, water and mud treatment is very effective. Excellent air, good options for walking and cycling routes.
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