Heviz customer reviews site sanatoriums.com

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What our guests say about Heviz?

Visitors have provided 525 reviews

Get to know our clients' reviews who have visited Heviz. All reviews were created after leaving the hotel and are based on the personal experience of each guest. We hope that our guests' experiences will help you during your stay in Heviz.

Guest reviews

05. 02. 2020
Marina S.
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05. 02. 2020
Liudmila I.
The resort is wonderful. We've been here for the fourth time. We will definitely come again.
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05. 02. 2020
Игорь В.
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04. 02. 2020
Svetlana K.
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28. 01. 2020
Lubov G.
I was very pleased. The hotel is cozy, the staff is friendly. The food is excellent. The treatment is generally good, with the exception of the massage, which lasts only 15 minutes. I think you need at least 30 minutes. But that's just my opinion. Agency Sanatoriums.com They did an excellent job. Although I was not satisfied with the transfer service, the driver drove the car at extremely high speed and constantly sent written messages while driving. DANGER, VERY DANGEROUS! !! Please pay attention to this problem. Do I recommend this hotel? CERTAINLY! !!!
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27. 01. 2020
Yuriy S.
In the summer it would probably be better, but in January everything is fine. To be honest, I like Mariinsky Lazne more, but only because of the excellent medical facilities. Heviz has its own charms, a unique lake, I’ll try to visit next time in a warmer season.
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25. 01. 2020
Людмила М.
wonderful medical resort
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24. 01. 2020
Petr M.
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23. 01. 2020
Olga G.
Great resort!!!
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22. 01. 2020
Федор Р.
I liked the resort, it was quiet, calm, the lake was great. Baloton is nearby, there is something to see. Thermal waters specifically help in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system.
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22. 01. 2020
Елена К.
really like
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21. 01. 2020
Natalia R.
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18. 01. 2020
Elena P.
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18. 01. 2020
Андрей Б.
Rate Heviz? A resort like a resort, no emotions...
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14. 01. 2020
Анжелика Д.
I really liked the resort! Nice, cozy, well-kept town with pleasant residents!
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13. 01. 2020
Игорь М.
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12. 01. 2020
Людмила С.
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12. 01. 2020
Ирина П.
Low tide place!
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10. 01. 2020
Irina P.
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09. 01. 2020
Galina V.
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09. 01. 2020
Владимир Ш.
Top class.
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07. 01. 2020
Silvina L.
Nice spa town
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07. 01. 2020
Андрей К.
Heviz: the healing factors are excellent, the service is mediocre, perhaps like everywhere else in Eastern Europe, but here it is inferior, for example, to the Czech Republic. The geographical peculiarity of Heviz is that there are almost no attractions nearby - there is nothing to see.
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07. 01. 2020
Stanislav S.
A wonderful place for relaxation and treatment at any time of the year!
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06. 01. 2020
Александр К.
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06. 01. 2020
Olga B.
Stunning resort: quiet, calm, cozy, homely. Swimming in warm water in frosty air is a pleasure.
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02. 01. 2020
Евгения Ш.
the resort and hotel are very good.
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31. 12. 2019
Tetyana T.
Magnificent resort! Thank you to nature, that there are such places and to the staff that knows how to organize treatment at the highest level! Thanks everyone!
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29. 12. 2019
Konstantin R.
Heviz is simply beautiful and cozy town
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28. 12. 2019
Otroshko T.
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