Heviz customer reviews site sanatoriums.com

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What our guests say about Heviz?

Visitors have provided 525 reviews

Get to know our clients' reviews who have visited Heviz. All reviews were created after leaving the hotel and are based on the personal experience of each guest. We hope that our guests' experiences will help you during your stay in Heviz.

Guest reviews

15. 11. 2019
Светлана Ш.
Everything is fine.
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13. 11. 2019
Danniel N.
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13. 11. 2019
Marina O.
For a leisurely retirement holiday, with the hope of healing the musculoskeletal system. Pleasant swimming in the lake, beautiful lotuses and nature.
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11. 11. 2019
Bernd R.
Very well maintained, clean facilities; friendly population;
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11. 11. 2019
Ирина Х.
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11. 11. 2019
Valentina K.
A great place to maintain health, tone and a great mood!
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11. 11. 2019
Елена П.
It’s a wonderful, relaxing holiday, we come there once a year for a week, but we probably won’t be able to stand it any longer), it’s a bit boring.
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11. 11. 2019
Tatiana B.
Nice resort with friendly people
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11. 11. 2019
Margarita T.
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09. 11. 2019
Tetyana H.
The Heviz resort is all about treatment. This is a quiet and calm town, where in the evening (after 6) everything is closed and only a few passers-by can be seen on the street (however, shops open at 6.30 and groceries can be bought until 10 pm).
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09. 11. 2019
Николай Г.
A wonderful resort. The lake is wonderful. We'll miss you.
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08. 11. 2019
Vladimir K.
Been there many times we recommend
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06. 11. 2019
Friedhelm B.
The attraction is the natural lake. City strives to provide good infrastructure
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04. 11. 2019
Людмила К.
Excellent - heaven for body and soul!
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04. 11. 2019
Зоя Б.
Good afternoon This is my second time in Heviz, I booked through your website, everything was perfectly organized. Sanatorium Europe fit - we liked everything, all our wishes were satisfied by the staff of the sanatorium and the representative of the travel agency "1000 roads" Madolena. The only negative is the transfer to Vienna airport, the car is uncomfortable, old, it creaks, shakes.... and also the driver.....
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03. 11. 2019
Зоя А.
I personally have been to the Heviz resort 5 times, I really like it
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01. 11. 2019
Алла К.
I really liked the portal. All employees are professionals. All hotels are presented on the website in full. The portal deserves the most positive assessment for its work. The transport department works well. Transfers are well organized.
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29. 10. 2019
Marina P.
We really enjoyed. And we plan to come to Heviz again next year.
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28. 10. 2019
Ursel K.
Very nice!
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27. 10. 2019
Ирина П.
A wonderful resort.
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26. 10. 2019
Olexandr O.
Quietly you can relax.
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26. 10. 2019
Alla S.
Calm, positive! After the city, where there is bustle and traffic on the roads, there is peace here! Hope the lake helps! Thank you!
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24. 10. 2019
Valeriy K.
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23. 10. 2019
Larisa D.
It’s difficult to evaluate... The lake is very healthy, this is not the first time we come and feel its healing properties, but the baths are very dirty, the showers are broken and dirty, the locker rooms are always crowded, there are always not enough sun loungers. There are no explanations on how to swim properly, no there are not enough advertisements about the healing properties of the lake, you are always in a hurry after swimming, so the fact that you also pay for the time of taking a shower, drying your hair and changing clothes is also not convenient for some. Yes, and I would just like more comfort and beauty in the bathing area when you are relaxing, between swimming in the lake this is not enough. Is this relaxation...relaxation SPA or not????
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21. 10. 2019
Татьяна Д.
Very good rest and treatment. I would like to come back again.
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20. 10. 2019
Наталья Т.
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20. 10. 2019
Irina M.
I really liked it.
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19. 10. 2019
Геннадий З.
Very good
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17. 10. 2019
Ирина С.
great - everything is organized perfectly, clean city, fabulous lake
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16. 10. 2019
Светлана Д.
Great, keep it up
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