Treatment in Jurmala
Jurmala (Latvia) – is a multidisciplinary resort specializing in the treatment of cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, metabolic diseases, as well as dermatological, gynaecological and urological diseases. Such a wide range of diseases can be treated by natural factors of the resort: mineral water of different chemical composition, peat and sapropel muds, peculiarities of the local climate (ionized air due to the presence of pine forest and sea).

Indications for treatment of musculoskeletal disorders:
- Arthrosis
- Arthritis
- Spondyloarthrosis
- Spondyloarthritis
- Spondylosis
- Osteochondrosis
- Polyarthritis
- Plantar fasciitis
- Diseases of tendons, bone tissue
Indications for treatment of gastrointestinal and metabolic diseases:
- Gastric ulcer
- Diseases of the duodenum
- Cholecystitis
- Chronic pancreatitis
- Chronic colitis
- Biliary tract dyskinesia
- Gastritis
- Diabetes mellitus
- Obesity
Indications for treatment of cardiovascular diseases:
- Angina pectoris
- Arrhythmia
- Arterial hypertension
- Conditions after a heart attack
- Condition after heart bypass
- Heart defects
- Atherosclerosis
- Coronary heart disease
Indications for treatment of respiratory diseases:
- Chronic bronchitis
- Pneumonia
- Chronic rhinitis
- Tonsillitis
- Chronic sinusitis
- Bronchial asthma
Indications for treatment of urological diseases:
- Kidney, ureteres diseases
- Prostatitis
- Bladder diseases
- Impotence
Indications for treatment of gynecological diseases:
- Chronic inflammatory processes
- Primary and secondary infertility
Indications for treatment of skin diseases:
- Psoriasis
- Allergodermatitis
How is treatment carried out in Jurmala
Introductory examination by a doctor
After checking into the spa hotel, the patient undergoes a medical examination. Depending on the specific diseases, the patient is examined and advised by a doctor of a particular specialty. It is mandatory that the patient has the results of a general blood test, which can be done at home or already directly at the spa hotel. Analyses are necessary for the doctor to see the patient's body condition more fully.
If necessary, the doctor may prescribe additional examinations with ECG, Holter method, cardiac stress test, spirometry, rehabilitation treadmill to determine individual susceptibility to physical activity and the degree of functional cardiovascular failure. Medical equipment at spa hotels allows to diagnose the condition of different systems of the body quite fully.
After examination, the doctor prescribes a treatment course, combining different treatment and recovery procedures tailored to the individual characteristics of the patient's body.
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Show all spa hotels in the city JūrmalaTreatment methods in Jurmala
In Jurmala resort spa hotels, the treatment is based on the application of natural healing factors and is divided into the following directions:
Water treatment with the help of natural mineral water, which is used in some water procedures (treatment of musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, gynecological, urological diseases) and for drinking therapeutic course (treatment of gastrointestinal tract, metabolism).
In Jurmala resort there are several mineral water springs of varying mineralization degrees and different chemical composition. This means that it is used for treating various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract, and cardiovascular system.

In particular, the local hydrogen and iodobromous water is used mainly for mineral baths, as it has the property to enhance the regenerative functions of the body, reduces inflammation, eliminates pain, stabilizes heart rate and blood pressure, improves skin condition, strengthens the immune system. The leading spa hotels in Jurmala have their own mineral water springs.

In addition to mineral baths, a wide range of water procedures (pearl baths, whirlpool massage, underwater spine traction) are used. The peculiarity of underwater spine traction at the spa hotels of Jurmala is its "soft" method, ie without additional burdens on the patient's body with weights. This allows you to pull the spine without risk of injury.
For drinking therapeutic course is mainly used chloride-calcium-sodium mineral water (extracted from a depth of 435 meters) of average mineralization, which normalizes the secretion of gastric juice, improves metabolic processes in the body and has a beneficial effect on the liver and gallbladder. In some cases, chloride-calcium-sodium mineral water can completely replace medical treatment, as it has virtually no contraindications for use in therapeutic drinking course.

Mud therapy Mud treatment with peat and sapropel mud. It is used for treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, some skin and gynecological diseases. Peat muds have a more beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system, and sapropel muds are particularly suitable for treating cardiovascular and skin diseases due to their strong alkaline reaction and magnesium content.

Jurmala spa hotels provide mud applications, peat baths, mud gynecological and rectal tampons. These mud procedures have a comprehensive effect on the organism:
- It has an anti-inflammatory effect
- Relieve the pain of the spine and joints
- Accelerate tissue regeneration
- Improves the metabolic processes in the body
- Strengthen the immune system
- Beneficial effect on the skin
Climatotherapy. Jurmala has a unique microclimate due to the proximity of the sea (some health resorts are literally 200 meters from the coastline), the presence of pine forests that produce negative ions, as well as sand dunes that protect the resort from winds. Climatic factors of the resort are used for treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases, for general strengthening of the patients' immune system. In addition, this treatment method is complemented by inhalation therapy using mineral water.
The complex spa treatment also includes physical methods of treatment (magnetotherapy, laser therapy, ultrasound therapy, etc.), physiotherapy (massage, therapeutic gymnastics, kinesiotherapy, underwater spine traction), thalassotherapy (use of sea water and sea air for therapeutic purposes).

Nutrition therapy is an integral part of treatment. Many spa hotels of Jurmala offer a classic room system of diets for patients with hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, obesity, diabetes mellitus, cardio-vascular diseases. Individual diet plan according to doctor's recommendations is appointed by a nutritionist at the spa hotel.
Book a spa hotel in Jurmala
Contraindications for treatment in Jurmala
- Acute infectious diseases
- Malignant ulcers
- Acute bleedings
- Active tuberculosis
- Oncological diseases
- Epilepsy
- Alcoholism and drug abuse
- Pregnancy
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