Marianske Lazne customer reviews site

Homepage Czech Republic Marianske Lazne Rewiews

What our guests say about Marianske Lazne?

Visitors have provided 3320 reviews

Get to know our clients' reviews who have visited Marianske Lazne. All reviews were created after leaving the hotel and are based on the personal experience of each guest. We hope that our guests' experiences will help you during your stay in Marianske Lazne.

Guest reviews

04. 01. 2020
Илья Ф.
The resort is good for relaxation and balneological treatment. This year there were no events during Christmas and the city is less decorated than in previous years
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04. 01. 2020
Елена Л.
Nice resort
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04. 01. 2020
Maria G.
Everything OK
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04. 01. 2020
Anton G.
very nice spa town
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04. 01. 2020
Светлана К.
The resort is calm, for retirees.
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03. 01. 2020
Aleksandr H.
That's right
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03. 01. 2020
Viktor B.
We really enjoyed our stay in Marianske Lazne.
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02. 01. 2020
Tatjana G.
The resort is very good, especially for active recreation, walks and mountain paths. It’s just a pity that the weather in December is not very comfortable, but we enjoyed conquering all the surroundings. But two weeks even seemed not enough. We recommend it to everyone.
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01. 01. 2020
Elisabeth K.
Always very happy. If you want to do something for your health, Mariánské Lázně is the right place for you. All Seasons.
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01. 01. 2020
Galina G.
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31. 12. 2019
Johann F.
A fantastic place, you can't get enough of the city's architecture. I enjoyed the view from the park every day. The walks through the surrounding area (forest) were also very nice.
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30. 12. 2019
Jürgen G.
Favorite place!!! We feel like we’re coming home!
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30. 12. 2019
Willi H.
resort too.
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30. 12. 2019
Valentina L.
The resort is wonderful
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30. 12. 2019
Вера А.
Quiet and efficient
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29. 12. 2019
Ludmila E.
Stay - so-so
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29. 12. 2019
Galina I.
I really liked it
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29. 12. 2019
Janina K.
Interesting architecture!
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29. 12. 2019
Gennadi S.
Very good
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28. 12. 2019
Владислав М.
A very beautiful place. Fresh air. Green
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28. 12. 2019
Norbert K.
Marienbad is ideal for a spa stay. However, not all hotels are located in the quiet spa district, but some are on very busy streets. The Centralni Lazne we chose was ideal in this regard. The apartment with a balcony and a view of the spa garden was absolutely quiet. The well-equipped hotel also has the advantage that it is connected to four other elegant spa houses from the Hungarian Danubis Group through above- and underground corridors and that guests can also use all the facilities of the other houses.
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28. 12. 2019
Nina S.
We liked it very much.
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28. 12. 2019
Лариса Д.
Wonderful place.
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27. 12. 2019
Joachim A.
It is a beautiful old Art Nouveau spa town. I've known him since the 60s. There are beautiful houses and grounds. There is still a lot to be done, but I think he will have a good future!
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27. 12. 2019
Gisela K.
Very beautiful and charming
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27. 12. 2019
Marina K.
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27. 12. 2019
Wolfgang D.
I've been to Mariánské Lázně 3 times this year and we always like it.
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27. 12. 2019
Рима К.
Comfortable enough, easy to breathe, plenty of room to walk.
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26. 12. 2019
Людмила Б.
If kidney treatment is indicated, urology is very suitable
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26. 12. 2019
Светлана Ч.
Many thanks to Sanatoriums for their efficient and professional work. A visit to the Maria Spa sanatorium in Marianske Lazne left a very pleasant impression (excellent comprehensive treatment, comfortable rooms, polite staff). The food in the restaurant of the Central Lazne sanatorium is getting worse and worse every year: not a varied choice of dishes, not tasty food, especially porridge, almost complete absence of fruits and juices. (a few sliced oranges and not at all ripe kiwis.). Apparently the chef has changed and product suppliers changed.
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