Marianske Lazne customer reviews site

Homepage Czech Republic Marianske Lazne Rewiews

What our guests say about Marianske Lazne?

Visitors have provided 3320 reviews

Get to know our clients' reviews who have visited Marianske Lazne. All reviews were created after leaving the hotel and are based on the personal experience of each guest. We hope that our guests' experiences will help you during your stay in Marianske Lazne.

Guest reviews

04. 10. 2019
Ирина Л.
The resort is beautiful - quiet, cozy, excellent attitude of the staff and local residents. Excellent food both in the city and in the hotel. There is something to see and where to go for those who appreciate traditional joys.
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04. 10. 2019
Alwin S.
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03. 10. 2019
Boris D.
03. 10. 2019
Stella K.
Like the place and hotel. No negative comments. Thank you
02. 10. 2019
Марина С.
Cute, cozy town.
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02. 10. 2019
Marina K.
Wonderful resort, beautiful place.
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30. 09. 2019
Waldemar K.
Rating "good".
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30. 09. 2019
Tatjana T.
Very nice, clean, pleasant city with springs, parks and a beautiful forest.
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30. 09. 2019
Horst K.
Marienbad, especially the spa park is great. You always discover idyllic corners. A lot is organized culturally and the singing fountains are impressive.
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30. 09. 2019
Irina S.
Beautiful, pleasant, not fussy resort) Good!
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30. 09. 2019
Вера Ш.
A beautiful, quiet and cozy place, good natural factors - springs, forests, places for walks. There are no large crowds of people or crowds
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29. 09. 2019
Николай К.
Five plus!
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29. 09. 2019
Мария Г.
A great green place to relax and heal.
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29. 09. 2019
Ягут А.
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28. 09. 2019
Наталья Б.
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27. 09. 2019
Юлия Д.
The resort is wonderful and beautiful in any weather
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27. 09. 2019
Светлана С.
"Nove Lazni" is the best sanatorium in Marianske Lazne.
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27. 09. 2019
Nina L.
A wonderful resort: the beauty of nature, wonderful architecture, and most importantly, the tranquility compared to large resorts is mesmerizing. I recommend everyone to choose this resort.
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26. 09. 2019
Vinokurov V.
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25. 09. 2019
Ирина П.
I love Marianske Lazne very much. I feel good here and am leaving with regret.
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25. 09. 2019
Edith T.
Beautiful park, nice cafes, lots of culture and things to see.
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24. 09. 2019
Виктор Д.
Very beautiful, quiet and peaceful resort. Magnificent nature and good climatic conditions. Friendly population. In most city shops, cafes, and restaurants they speak Russian (at least they understand it). A huge number of hotels, villas, apartments. Prices for services vary widely. Everything in restaurants and cafes is very tasty and reasonably priced. Several excursion bureaus offer a wide selection of excursions to suit every taste and budget. A large number of local attractions within walking distance. A unique park "Bohemia" with models of attractions throughout the Czech Republic.
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23. 09. 2019
Mars V.
great resort
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23. 09. 2019
Евгения Т.
The most beautiful place
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22. 09. 2019
Нурсауле Н.
Very nice town. For the soul and relaxation from the everyday hustle and bustle
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22. 09. 2019
Sergei S.
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22. 09. 2019
Станислав Т.
The resort is great. silence, air, water. What else does
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22. 09. 2019
Anna F.
All are good in their own way, but you need to choose where to eat what
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22. 09. 2019
Jelena B.
Again and again!
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21. 09. 2019
Раиса Г.
amazingly beautiful and very effective. other resorts don’t help so we will come again
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