Reviews about Interhotel Central 4* (Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic) for 2024 – Hotel rating and expert opinion

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Spa Hotel Central

Divadelní náměstí 17, 36001 Karlovy Vary
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Exceptional Reviews: 388
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Ольга С.


We have the best memories of living and treatment at the Central sanatorium. The location simply cannot be better in Karlovy Vary. Wonderful helpful staff. Especially the receptionist - the wonderful Todora is simply a “brand” of the hotel, ready to help in any situation, just like the guys. The food is super tasty, varied and beautiful. The restaurant workers always met us halfway, in case of requests to feed us early, if we were in a hurry to go on excursions or to the airport. (Dana, thank you!) The medical staff is very friendly and friendly, the equipment is modern. Very nice pool. Thanks to the management and all employees for the high quality of work!


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Larisa B.


The sanatorium is perfectly located. The hotel team is wonderful, everyone tries to make your stay at the hotel comfortable. I won’t list names, thanks to everyone: the guys at the reception, the medical staff, the maids and technical workers, the cooks and waiters... Thank you all very much. I would like to thank the hotel administration for recruiting personnel and organizing all the work at the sanatorium. Thank you. The room is cozy. Snow-white bed linen and towels. Great mattresses. The room has a kettle and 2 glasses, which is not provided in all hotels. Tea sets are replenished every day. The food at the hotel is dietary. One main course + buffet. Everything is very delicious. Excellent pool with countercurrent, water 28-29 degrees. It's very nice to swim. Medical procedures are performed responsibly and accurately at the appointed time. There are no queues. Nature, air, birdsong, forest walks - everything is wonderful!


The water pressure in the shower is weak; we lived on the 5th floor in an old building.
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Ayrapetyan I.


The hotel is located in a very good location. I would like to note the work of the staff: they clean well, the waiters do everything quickly. Wonderful nurses (except massage therapists). But the best thing is the girl at the reception. Very friendly, helpful.


The hotel needs a little renovation (old building). And change something in the treatment. (may add more procedures)
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Stella G.


Great location
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Larissa S.


I would especially like to mention doctor Natalia, nurses Anya and Vdamiru, and physiotherapist Ivonne. Special thanks to the massage therapist Vladislav and the charming and professional Yuri who greeted us at the reception. We are delighted with the chef's dishes. Couldn't find out his name. Lunches and dinners were great. I especially liked the pork knuckle. The maid girls are just great. And of course, many thanks to the director of the Central Hotel, who took the time to talk and make recommendations.
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Dalia G.


Thanks to all the staff of the Interhotel Central! Everything was very good, the treatment, the service, the food, and all the staff were very professional and pleasant!


wish that the pool would work longer and the sauna would work
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Елизавета Ф.


Dissatisfied with the organization of the Sanatorium website. The first time we arrived was on Friday afternoon, and the doctor saw the child only on Monday at 14.30 (the children's doctor is not from our hotel). So there were only three days left for the child’s treatment, but one procedure was completed on Monday (they managed to do it). Also, 18 procedures were prescribed in the child’s voucher, but the Hotel provides 10 and this is stated on their page, and I found myself in a worst situation when I went to demand these eight procedures. Despite the fact that the staff was so kind and attentive, I felt terribly uncomfortable. Why is the complaint specifically against the Sanatorium? We talked several times with your managers and said that we need treatment for the child. We ourselves are already included. But the child’s treatment turned out to be relative. During the seven days of our stay, we couldn’t even drink water without a doctor’s prescription. They could have said to move the dates of arrival and departure. Or warn the doctor to see him on the same day (many of the guests did this, called in advance and agreed). And we really liked everything and had a great time.
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Дмитрий С.


The location of the hotel is excellent. The reception desk is great.


Lack of restaurant buffet selection.
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Answer from Spa Hotel Central

Уважаемый г-н Соколов, спасибо за Ваш отзыв, а также максимальную оценку работы нашего персонала и месторасположения отеля. Интеротель Централ, один из немногих отелей в Карловых Варах, который уделяет особое внимание правильному и самое главное - качественному питанию. Каждый день гостям предлагается выбор из 5-ти главных блюд курица, рыба, мясо, вегетарианское, сладкое с расширенным ассортиментом различных закусок, салатов, фруктов, домашней выпечки и десертов на линии шведского стола. Учитывая нашу специализацию на лечение заболеваний ЖКТ, а также особенности индивидуальных диет и пожеланий, мы каждый день дополнительно готовим три вида горячих блюд в виде диетических котлет, овощных запеканок и запеченных фруктов сливы, яблоки, груши. Еще раз спасибо за высокий рейтинг нашего отеля. Будет рады Вас снова приветствовать в Карловых Варах! С наилучшими пожеланиями, Hotel Manager

Лариса С.


I express my gratitude to the director of the Interhotel Central sanatorium Ivan Ivanovich for quality rest and treatment, for the atmosphere of peace and warmth, for the order and comfort in the sanatorium, for delicious food, for freshly squeezed juices, the benefits of which are undeniable, for quiet instrumental music in the restaurant, for high cultural level of each sanatorium employee. Everyone is trying! Special thanks to Dr. Lakshina N., who inspires trust, speaks a language that is easy to understand, is open to questions, is filled with a desire to help, and is interested in the outcome of the treatment. It is impossible not to note the work of Mrs. Ruzhechkova for organizing high-quality medical treatment. The prepared dishes not only taste good, but are also beautifully presented. I would like to learn a lot from chef Lyudmila. The puree soups are especially delightful. The issue of searching and selecting employees is always relevant. Ivan Ivanovich, the staff of your sanatorium was skillfully selected. That says it all. I would like to draw your attention to the high-quality work of the maid Nadya (5th floor). It is impossible not to note, Ivan Ivanovich, your loyal attitude towards regular customers. Thank you for the beautiful view from the window of your favorite city of Karlovy Vary. Of course, I'm looking forward to November next year. I would like to come to the Interhotel Central sanatorium again. Sincerely, Larisa Snegurova. October 2019
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Galina I.


Excellent location of the hotel. We were greeted by the friendly and friendly Todora, the receptionist, who quickly checked us in and gave us general information about the hotel. It should be noted the excellent work of the entire medical staff, starting with the chief physician Elena Sokolova, highly qualified, attentive and responsive. I would like to note the excellent work of the head nurse, physiotherapist Ivona, nurses Anechka, hydropathic nurses and massage therapist Vyacheslav. This was not the first time we had a rest in a sanatorium in Karlovy Vary, but the first time we saw that the director of the sanatorium was in the field of view of all vacationers, his presence was felt in the work of everything hotel staff and in communicating with hotel clients. The food was delicious and varied, with an emphasis on healthy eating. Towels in the room were changed daily, bed linen every two days. The atmosphere in the hotel is homely, you want to return there. We thank the staff of the Central Hotel for their warm welcome, care and attention. We will definitely come again.


As a small note, sometimes for dinner the main course was served cold.
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Sergey F.


Food, location, accommodation all very good


I don’t recommend focusing on treatment in this sanatorium... the doctor’s approach is very formal, the doctor is not interested in the results of tests and examinations (brought with you)... I can compare with Astoria and Colonnade, where I was before, the appointment there lasts about an hour, the doctor looks in detail and talks with the patient... here 15 minutes... a strange set of procedures (only once or twice, and this is in 12 days).... probably more productive after all, whole cycles (baths, massages, etc.)
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Answer from Spa Hotel Central

Уважаемый г-н Фабричнов, Благодарим Вас за доброжелательную оценку Вашего пребывания в нашем санатории. Мы рады, что Вам понравилось качество размещения и питания. Нам очень жаль, что у Вас не было достигнуто, по-видимому, полного взаимопонимания с Вашим лечащим врачом. Мы никаким образом не можем лимитировать наших докторов, как они строят свое обследование и как долго должна продолжаться их консультация. Как принято у медиков говорить - в различных случаях различно. То же самое касается и выбора индивидуальной лечебной программы. Врачи придерживаются при этом не формальной стороны вопроса, как например подсчет отдельных процедур по их названию, а общности их воздействия физического, химического, механического на органы и ткани пациента с целью оптимизации определенных метаболических процессов в его организме. Конечно же, всегда используется и опыт Ваших прошлых пребывани в санаториях, прежде всего, в карловарских. Очень хорошо, что Вы имели с собой медицинскую справку о проведенном недавно санаторном лечении в Карловых Варах. Это помогло нашему врачу быстрее определиться с Вашей лечебной программой. Наши врачи имеют многолетний опыт практической работы в различных санаториях Карловых Вар, в т.ч. и в перечисленных Вами, кроме того часто общаются между собой по работе и на регулярно проводящихся в Карловых Варах научно-практических семинарах, поэтому всегда очень считаются с мнением своих коллег, которые лечили Вас ранее. Кроме того, при составлении программы Вашего лечения доктором были учтены и результаты проведенного на первичной консультации стандартного врачебного осмотра, а также предложенных Вами доктору результатов последних обследований напр., уровень холестерина крови, данные ультразвукового исследования, что должным образом отражено и в Вашей медицинской карте. Искренне надеюсь, что эта информация окончательно развеет Ваши сомнения, насколько детально наши доктора подходят к обследованию своих пациентов и мы рады будем видеть Вас снова в нашем санатории. С уважением, Hotel Manager

Людмила Т.


Beautiful place, good hotel, delicious cuisine, wonderful air.


During her stay in the sanatorium, her health sharply worsened, she was admitted to the Karlovy Vary hospital for 2 days, after which all procedures were canceled (11 out of 36). She asked for compensation. They were awarded a ghostly prize - a certificate for a 10 percent discount on the next visit to the sanatorium (within 1 year!). It is unknown whether I will be able to go there again, especially within a year. According to the cardiologist, because of this water, rich in salts, my body began to become intoxicated. And the paid procedures I took did not bring any benefit, since each was performed less than 4 times, which is not effective..
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Answer from Spa Hotel Central

Уважаемая г-жа Тарасова, благодарим за высокую оценку 9/10 работы отеля. К сожалению, уходчение Вашего состояние здоровья была вызвано воспалением верхних дыхательных путей и не связано с местом пребывания т.е. с отелем, что подтвердили клинические обследования. После получения антибиотикотерапии проведенной в отеле, повторные лабораторные исследования показали существенное улучшения Вашего состояния. Компенсация за отмену процедур, вызванных Вашим плохим состоянием, не предусмотрена. Подарочным ваучером вы вправе воспользоваться по своему усмотрению. Хотим подчеркнуть, что Вам были дополнительно выданы рекомендации по дообследованию по месту жительства. Персонал отеля дополнительно решил все административные вопросы связанные с продлением Вашего пребывания, переносом Вашего вылета и получения всех необходимых документов для предъявления в Вашу страховую компанию. Желаем Вам здоровья и до новых встреч! С уважением, Hotel Manager

Elena F.


Very positive impressions of the resort in general. Special thanks to the reception staff Todora and Yuri, the wonderful cooks and waiters of the restaurant, the hydropathic physiotherapist Vladimir, the massage therapist Slava, and the attending physician for referring me to a specialist. Thanks to all the sanatorium workers who tried to make our stay as comfortable and useful as possible.


There are probably two downsides. First: we paid for 10 days of stay in the sanatorium. We arrived on Friday at 11:30 am, in the hope that we would see a doctor that same day and begin treatment. But the doctor saw us only on Monday. Of course, we received all our procedures, but they were all planned for almost only 5 days. Due to such a busy schedule, we were not always able to make it to the springs, which is largely why people go to KV, and sometimes we also had difficulty making it to breakfast or lunch. And second: many vacationers come on weekends for 1-3 days, not for treatment, but just to take a walk. The first weekend, because of the cheerful neighbors, it was impossible to sleep in the room next to us.
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Answer from Spa Hotel Central

Уважаемая г-жа Фокина, спасибо за максимальную оценку качества предоставляемых услуг нашего отела 10/10. К сожалению, в пятницу как Вы правильно заметили большое количество приезжающих, что не позволило доктору принять Вас еще в день приезда. Учитывая небольшой период пребывания Вам были предварительно назначены процедуры на субботу, которые не нуждаются в обязательном осмотре врача. В будущем просим заранее информировать отель о желании посетить врача сразу после приезда. Просим также принять во внимание, что врачами не рекомендовано проводить мед.осмотр после долгих переездов повышенное давление, сердцебиение, усталость. Для полного восстановления рекомендуется посетить бассейн, джакузи, прогуляться на свежем воздухе и др. релаксационные процедуры. Всего доброго и до скорой встречи! Hotel Manager

Лариса К.


This is the first time in this hotel, thanks to the staff, they work harmoniously, the stay was pleasant! Calm, friendly atmosphere. Combination of price and quality. Dietary dishes. I liked the food, nothing salty or fatty. Recommended for a stay.


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Anatolij S.


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Nadezhda D.


The location and view from the room are great! Good menu in the restaurant, polite waiters. Champagne on Sundays))


Unfriendly medical staff, the older sister Mrs. Ruzhechkova is always an unhappy and “rude” person, hygiene is not observed during the procedures: they put a towel under the head, which does not change when changing patients! (almost all procedures). They changed the sheets once only with gas injections, which made it so that the whole body was bruised. During the 2 weeks of stay, the bed was changed 1 time! On the 3rd day of your stay and that’s it! I would not recommend this Hotel to anyone.
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Answer from Spa Hotel Central

Уважаемая г-жа Дрямина, спасибо за Ваш отзыв, а также высокую оценку качества питания и обслуживания в нашем ресторане. Позвольте нам отреагировать на некоторые негативные комментарии: в течении всего проживания мы неоднократно меняли расписание Ваших процедур, назначили внеплановые встречи с врачом, а также Вам были бесплатно предоставлены дополнительные процедуры, которые не входят в стандартную программу лечения. Весь медперсонал уделял Вам особое внимание и старался сделать Ваше пребывание максимально комфортным. Хотелось бы акцентировать внимание всех гостей, что для проведения процедур мы используем бумажные одноразовые полотенца согласно всем гигиеническим нормам, тканевые полотенца применяются только для повышения удобства гостей. Замена постельного белья во всех номерах происходит каждый 4-й день, нам очень жаль, что Вы не обратились к нам с этой проблемой во время своего пребывания в отеле. Данный вопрос оперативно решается непосредственно с горничными или менеджером по уборке. С наилучшими пожеланиями, Hotel Manager

Bernd P.


Staff very friendly and helpful. The location is very central and just a few minutes walk to springs. This is important because you have to drink 3 times a day. Very nice place for walks.


German is spoken little. Buffet with salads and vegetables, cold cuts, boring and aimed more at Russian guests. You often order wine by glass when you're almost finished eating.
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Alexander A.


Attentive medical staff. Wonderful kitchen. Very cozy and clean. Timely cleaning. Charming Yuri at the reception. provides comprehensive answers to all questions. Everything was great.
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Gareev T.


We rested at the "Central" sanatorium and liked everything! Very good location of the hotel, very close to the springs! The food is delicious, there is a choice, everything corresponds to the diet, no one ever left hungry, but there was nothing overcooked! The rooms correspond to those stated on the website, treatment is as prescribed by the doctor, but additional procedures could be taken! Cleaning every day! We plan to come again next year!
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Nina Y.


Thank you for organizing our trip! everything was very good. The food was for every taste. The room was beautiful with a view of the street. The hotel is located in the center near the springs. The staff is very attentive and friendly.


The only downside is that. that for some reason it was difficult to prescribe medications. Although each recipe is paid.
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Answer from Spa Hotel Central

Уважаемая г-жа Яковенко, спасибо за Ваш отзыв и максимальную оценку качества нашего обслуживания, питания, а также месторасположения с прекрасным видом на город. В этом году министерство здравоохранения Чехии ввело закон, который обязывает и дает возможность выписывать только электронные рецепты через онлайн систему, поэтому иногда могут возникать небольшие задержки по техническим причинам. Спасибо за понимание. Будем надеяться на скорую встречу в следующем году! С уважением, Hotel Manager

Юрий Т.


The restaurant and reception are beyond praise. The physiotherapist's illness has somewhat disrupted the schedule of procedures. But the medical staff came out of this situation with honor.


Room cleaning does not (apparently) include making the beds with blankets, which is not very convenient. In addition, cleaning was often carried out in the afternoon. But at the same time, there are no complaints about the quality of cleaning.
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Answer from Spa Hotel Central

Уважаемый г-н Тришин, мы рады, что Вы остались довольны пребыванием в нашем санатории, особенно качеством услуг в ресторане и на ресепшн. Заправка кроватей спальным одеялом осуществляется каждый день во время уборки номера. Скорее всего Вы имели ввиду декоративное покрывало, которым заправляется постель перед первым приездом гостей. Обычно такое покрывало уже не используется, но все дополнительные вопросы и пожелания включая время уборки всегда можно решить непосредственно с горничными или менеджером по уборке. Еще раз спасибо за высокий рейтинг нашего отеля. С наилучшими пожеланиями, Hotel Manager

Valiantsina B.


This is the second time in this sanatorium, everything is wonderful: the friendly atmosphere, the professionalism of the staff, the medical facilities, delicious and varied food. Many thanks to the administration of the Central sanatorium, medical and service staff! Special thanks to Dr. Natalya Lakshina, head nurse Mrs. Ruzhechkova and sweet, kind angel Todorochka! And also to the staff of the website, everything is at a high level as usual.
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Answer from Spa Hotel Central

Уважаемая г-жа Бераснева, большое спасибо за Ваши теплые слова. Все благодарности обязательно передадим нашим сотрудникам. С наилучшими пожеланиями и до скорой встречи в Карловых Варах! Hotel Manager

Татьяна Л.


The sanatorium is very well located, a very beautiful view from the room, a friendly atmosphere in the hotel, attentive staff (I especially remember Todora at the reception and in the restaurant Alla; Tanya, etc.; all the nurses during procedures and the doctor). Tasty and aesthetically pleasing food, lots of greenery. Comfortable rooms, nice pool. Well done!!!


I was already in this hotel in 2017 and now I liked it and would have come back later, but there was only one sad disappointment: one regular guest smoked a lot on the balcony and it was difficult to ventilate his room...
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Answer from Spa Hotel Central

Уважаемая г-жа Левченко, спасибо за высокую оценку Вашего пребывания в Интеротеле Централ. Мы очень рады, что наш отель смог удовлетворить все пожелания, ради которых люди приезжают в Карловы Вары. Как Вы помните, мы сделали все возможное, чтобы решить проблему проникающего запаха со стороны Вашего соседа, но к сожалению здесь все получилось как в жизни - соседей по номеру и родителей не выбирают :-. Ваши слова благодарности обязательно передадим нашим сотрудникам на ресепшн, в ресторане и мед.отделении. Всегда будем рады Вас снова приветствовать в нашем отеле. С уважением, Hotel Manager

Iraida N.


The quality of treatment at the Central sanatorium is very good. although the doctor seemed somewhat arrogant and inaccessible to me. At the reception I was greeted very warmly and accommodated promptly. They immediately gave me a robe and slippers. The food is beyond praise. Great respect to the cook. The entire staff of the sanatorium works harmoniously. Any comments are responded to immediately. The waitresses and nurses are friendly and efficient. They did everything for a comfortable stay in the sanatorium. The location of the resort is excellent
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Valentina T.


Location and food are a stretch (all fruits are wooden, there were no watermelons in season), kettles in the rooms.


The meeting driver was 40 minutes late. Refers to traffic jams. When paying, we do not refer to small pensions. There are no heated towel rails in the bathrooms. It's cold in the balneocenter. Because of this, I was forced to give up water treatments and carbon dioxide baths. Why come then? Hotel for use in summer. I will definitely not go to this hotel again.
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Answer from Spa Hotel Central

Уважаемая г-жа Теребунская, спасибо за Ваш отзыв. Позвольте нам отреагировать на некоторые негативные комментарии: - трансфер предоставляют наши коллеги из, поэтому мы не имеем возможности проследить за выполнением данной услуги. С нашей стороны можем подтвердить, что в этот период действительно проходили большие ремонтные работы на трассе Карловы Вары - Прага. Просим также принять во внимание, что при бронировании нашего санатория, трансфер предоставляется совершенно бесплатно. - одной из самых главных забот, на которой мы акцентируем наше внимание и усилие - это приготовления качественного, полезного и вкусного питание для наших гостей. Поверьте, мы стараемся отбирать только самые сладкие и сочные фрукты на рынке, но к сожалению, в Чехии практически все фрукты привозные из далеких теплых стран и это безусловно отражается на их вкусовых качествах. - температура в бальнеоцентре не опускается ниже 28 градусов. Отопление в отеле было автоматически включено 10 сентября при понижение температуры воздуха на улице. Все гости проходили лечение согласно своему расписанию, включая все водные и сухие ванны. Также выражаем благодарность за высокую оценку нашего месторасположения. С наилучшими пожеланиями,Hotel Manager

Olga S.


At the Central sanatorium in July 2019. It wasn't my first time. In my opinion, it is very conveniently located. This season I liked the food in the restaurant, the attentive and polite staff, the new procedures (massage on a water mattress). I will definitely visit them again
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Alwina G.


We liked everything, we thank all the Central Hotel Staff!


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Liubov S.


My husband and I vacationed at the Central sanatorium from 05/15/19 to 05/31/19. I liked absolutely everything! We arrived at 9.30 and were accommodated immediately without any problems. The doctor saw me on the same day! She was very friendly and listened, measured my blood pressure, and the appointment time for everyone was at least half an hour, which is very different from appointments in other hotels and resorts in Karlovy Vary. Treatment started the next day. There were no queues, as if we were the only ones relaxing at this time, although by the middle of the vacation the hotel was filled with more and more vacationers. All the medical staff are also friendly and kind. When you arrive on time, they call you immediately. They did an ECG and tests. During our stay, we had a medical examination three times. The treatment ended by 13.30, which was very convenient. We went to the pool every day and used the jacuzzi every day. The water is comfortable and clean. Linen was changed throughout the entire stay without any reminders, regularly every fourth night. During our stay they changed 3 times, changing robes and slippers. towels every day. The only thing was that we had to remind everyone to put towels for their feet, and not one for two. And in general, in a 4-star hotel there should be 4 towels per person. But no problem, all requests were fulfilled. And as they write in the reviews, that the maid yelled at her for makeup stains on the towels, I will say that we have never seen or encountered anything like this. Very kind staff. always with a smile, cleaning every day, they come if you are in the room between procedures, ask what time or how long after you can come and clean. The bed is made, dust is removed with a vacuum cleaner, toilet paper consumption is monitored, and there is always a spare roll. Toiletries are replenished daily. As for the food, we also really liked it. The staff is very friendly. The food is delicious. ice cream every day for lunch and dinner. There are fruits. Buffet breakfast, lunch and dinner a la carte. But in addition to the menu, there are many additional buffet dishes for lunch and dinner. I liked the baked apples and plums. I booked on the Sanatoriums website, for which I thank them very much for organizing my vacation. Next time I will only book through them. I ordered a transfer there and back, everything is fine here too, we were delayed at check-in, the driver was waiting for us and helped us carry our suitcases. I recommend the sanatorium Hotel Central to anyone who wants to have a good rest and receive quality treatment!


There are no negatives. We weren't looking for them. The only thing is, when you approach the hotel on the street, you pass the horse-drawn parking lot, which is located opposite the hotel, and you feel a strong unpleasant smell. But this is no longer for the hotel, but for the city administration. You probably need to somehow wash this area so that there is no smell or somehow neutralize it.
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Answer from Spa Hotel Central

Уважаемая г-жа Сересева, спасибо за подробное описание Ваших впечатлений во время пребывания в Интереотеле Централ. Мы очень рады, что Вы остались довольны всеми услугами нашего отеля и самое главное теми моментами, на которых мы акцентируем самое большое внимание - качественные продукты питания в ресторане, индивидуальный подход к лечению и чистота во всем отеле. Надеемся на скорую встречу! С уважением, Hotel Manager

Ирина М.


Very good location of the resort. Wonderful views from the balcony. Wonderful and attentive staff. We are planning to return.


There is no negativity as such. Your wishes for the hotel were outlined in the questionnaire.
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Людмила П.


The questions about the stain on the towel and the offer to pay for the laundry (purchase) seemed strange.
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Answer from Spa Hotel Central

Уважаемая г-жа Плахина, спасибо за высокие оценки качества услуг нашего отеля. Дополнительно приносим свои извинения за ситуацию с полотенцем, с менеджером данного отделения была проведена разъяснительная беседа. Желаем Вам всего хорошего и надеемся на скорую встречу в Интеротеле Централ! С уважением, Hotel Manager