Karlovy Vary customer reviews site sanatoriums.com

Homepage Czech Republic Karlovy Vary Rewiews

What our guests say about Karlovy Vary?

Visitors have provided 8932 reviews

Get to know our clients' reviews who have visited Karlovy Vary. All reviews were created after leaving the hotel and are based on the personal experience of each guest. We hope that our guests' experiences will help you during your stay in Karlovy Vary.

Guest reviews

19. 07. 2021
Alla L.
Super resort! I recommend to everyone!
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18. 07. 2021
Harry K.
Everything was very good.
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18. 07. 2021
Olga L.
The hotel deserves the highest rating!
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18. 07. 2021
Jürgen E.
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18. 07. 2021
Alla H.
Mega place - very great for relaxing!
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18. 07. 2021
Waldemar N.
Perfect place. Let's try to visit more often!!!!!!
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18. 07. 2021
Valentina G.
Everything is just very excellent!
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17. 07. 2021
Marina M.
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16. 07. 2021
Sergejs Ļ.
Everything is fine! Thank you,
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15. 07. 2021
Natalia R.
at the resort 4 times!!!!!
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15. 07. 2021
Martina L.
Karlovy Vary is a beautiful spa town with a breathtaking flair.
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14. 07. 2021
Natalia S.
Wonderful resort!!!
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13. 07. 2021
Irina S.
Very good.
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12. 07. 2021
Swetlana S.
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12. 07. 2021
Natalia H.
I really liked it. Thank you very much
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12. 07. 2021
Bakhtiyor D.
I just love you and always want to come back
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12. 07. 2021
Olga B.
Karlovy Vary is at its best.
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11. 07. 2021
Valeriy C.
Very good resort.
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11. 07. 2021
Sergej W.
Cool, 5 stars.
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11. 07. 2021
Elizaveta T.
Great, I want to come back more than once!
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10. 07. 2021
Elina L.
I’ve been to Karlovy Vary three times, I really like it there, I’ll be happy to go again!
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10. 07. 2021
Liliya M.
Excellent as always.
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09. 07. 2021
Nadezda V.
One of the most beautiful resorts.
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09. 07. 2021
Galina H.
I love Karlovy Vary as a sanatorium! This year I fell in love even more! For the first time in many years I heard the native speech of this city!!! People did not go to shops, but on excursions!!!! Well done!!!!
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09. 07. 2021
Дмитрий Т.
Karlovy Vary is truly a diamond of the Czech Republic; relaxing at the resort there is a great pleasure!
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08. 07. 2021
Natalia A.
My favorite country is the Czech Republic, my beloved and dear Prague, my favorite beautiful resort of Karlovy Vary... I waited for two years to meet my love... As soon as the Czech Republic began to let Israelis in, I took the plunge and went. There are no words, only emotions, because this is love.
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07. 07. 2021
Elena G.
Karlovy Vary, a sincere, calm and already native place.
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07. 07. 2021
Mariana R.
I liked the resort except for some moments on the part of the hotel staff. Sorry, I forgot to mention the negative: the reception staff are terrible!!! They are doing you a big favor by talking to you. I spoke with them 2-3 times, I know how to talk to people, but their level is lagging behind. The impression is that each of them is too lazy to work. But they are the face of the Richmond Hotel!!!
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07. 07. 2021
Tamara K.
Best health resort in Europe.
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06. 07. 2021
Jelena S.
Definitely recommend!
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