Karlovy Vary customer reviews site sanatoriums.com

Homepage Czech Republic Karlovy Vary Rewiews

What our guests say about Karlovy Vary?

Visitors have provided 8933 reviews

Get to know our clients' reviews who have visited Karlovy Vary. All reviews were created after leaving the hotel and are based on the personal experience of each guest. We hope that our guests' experiences will help you during your stay in Karlovy Vary.

Guest reviews

05. 02. 2020
Нина К.
Sheer magnificence. Every time I want to come back here, despite the fact that I have been here more than once.
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05. 02. 2020
Nadezda L.
Not bad with a child. Quiet relaxing holiday
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05. 02. 2020
Alexander S.
05. 02. 2020
Oleg K.
04. 02. 2020
Рустэм А.
Favorite resort
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04. 02. 2020
Светлана С.
It’s like being in a fairy tale! Thank you for everything!
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04. 02. 2020
Тамара А.
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04. 02. 2020
Сергей С.
Everything is wonderful! ,We will come next time for longer!
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04. 02. 2020
Olga G.
a wonderful resort, by the way, I compared the prices with the similar Polish one in Teplice-slaskie-Zdroj near Zielona Gora - there is almost no difference in prices, the only difference is that Karlovy Vary is a beautiful town, wherever you look, it’s pleasing to the eye. Plus a free trip to Prague.
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04. 02. 2020
Aiman T.
Very good
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04. 02. 2020
Iryna B.
A wonderful resort, everything is simply magnificent, very cozy, beautiful, the friendly attitude of the entire population of this region, you feel at home, you never get tired of walking along the streets of the resort town. Karlovka residents, please preserve the historical appearance of this wonderful city!
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04. 02. 2020
Raissa N.
Definitely recommended.
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04. 02. 2020
Galina A.
A stunningly beautiful town, fresh air, mountains, my husband and I climbed hiking trails into the mountains and forest every day. Only this idyll is spoiled by smokers, who don’t care how others suffer from them, just to get pleasure from the next puff. I have asthma, I can smell tobacco from a distance, and I coughed throughout the 14 days of my stay in Karlovy Vary, and allergic reactions worsened. Gentlemen, smokers, the negativity from people like me will still come back to you like a boomerang. Quit smoking, don't spoil your health and others!!!
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04. 02. 2020
Serghei O.
A wonderful resort, but a bit expensive.
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04. 02. 2020
Valentina K.
Beautiful resort
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03. 02. 2020
Natalia S.
Great !
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03. 02. 2020
Tatyana Z.
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03. 02. 2020
Viktor T.
Good afternoon 1. Thanks to Sanatoriums for excellent support during our visit to Karlovy Vary! Booking, support, transfer and everything else was at a professionally excellent level. Special thanks to Irene. 2. We came to the Richmond sanatorium for the second time, we liked everything, we hope that we will go there every year)) 3. I hope to continue the relationship.
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03. 02. 2020
Татьяна П.
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03. 02. 2020
Наталья М.
Very good resort.
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03. 02. 2020
Наталья Т.
I've been to the resort 5 times already, I also really like Marianske Lazne. If there is a sanatorium, then only the Czech Republic 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
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03. 02. 2020
Snezana A.
An ideal place for treatment and relaxation!
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03. 02. 2020
Galina K.
Very good
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03. 02. 2020
Batrakov V.
Very beautiful city. I can’t say about the effect of water yet, the period is too short
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03. 02. 2020
Елена Г.
Beautiful, wonderful place!
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03. 02. 2020
Natalia B.
The resort itself is conducive to complete relaxation. Air, cleanliness, cozy colonnades with an evening musician on the violin with the repertoire of the Russian emigration, the striking of the clock at the catalytic church... And no one is in a hurry...... Complete delight)))))
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03. 02. 2020
Elvina A.
A world famous resort since time immemorial. What else can I add?!
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03. 02. 2020
Anna B.
Karlovy Vary is a favorite winter holiday,
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02. 02. 2020
Людмила С.
Very beautiful. A calm, measured holiday taking care of your health. Good excursions around the Czech Republic and other European countries are offered. Delicious food and beer.
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02. 02. 2020
Rita K.