Karlovy Vary customer reviews site sanatoriums.com

Homepage Czech Republic Karlovy Vary Rewiews

What our guests say about Karlovy Vary?

Visitors have provided 8919 reviews

Get to know our clients' reviews who have visited Karlovy Vary. All reviews were created after leaving the hotel and are based on the personal experience of each guest. We hope that our guests' experiences will help you during your stay in Karlovy Vary.

Guest reviews

17. 10. 2020
Владимир Р.
Everything is great.
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17. 10. 2020
Vladimir R.
Everything was great. Thank you.
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16. 10. 2020
Soja S.
Highly recommend.
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16. 10. 2020
Sergey K.
Very good
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14. 10. 2020
Igor K.
An excellent resort where you can relax and improve your health.
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14. 10. 2020
Svetlana K.
We really like Karlovy Vary resort
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13. 10. 2020
Alexander H.
We really enjoyed
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12. 10. 2020
Tatiana C.
Pleasant city
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12. 10. 2020
Elena J.
Everything is great! Thanks to all the hotel staff
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11. 10. 2020
Galina N.
Very good!
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11. 10. 2020
Ida W.
Very good
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11. 10. 2020
Marina T.
The Karlovy Vary resort is love at first sight. We come here often, but we never get tired of it. The special atmosphere, healing water, amazing nature, elegant Art Nouveau architecture and the opportunity to travel throughout Western Bohemia make this resort especially attractive. The city has a wonderful art gallery of the highest professional level. I would call it more of an art museum that displays Czech art. This year the works of the famous Czech master Emil Fila were exhibited. In the city theater you can listen to a variety of concerts. Recently the city hosted an open-air "laser art" festival. Due to the coronavirus crisis, for the first time we saw this city deserted and lonely. It is usually crowded, lively and fun. We definitely recommend visiting Karlovy Vary, an elegant mirage city with a strong personality.
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11. 10. 2020
Valeri Z.
Very good!
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11. 10. 2020
Victoria G.
11. 10. 2020
Artur S.
In one word: Great!!!
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10. 10. 2020
Alexander D.
Was very good.
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10. 10. 2020
Hambartsoem T.
kurort mne kachetsa chto esli serwis bil xaracho wsjo bilo bi xaracho i mi kachdi god priexali u was sanatorium
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08. 10. 2020
Igor K.
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08. 10. 2020
Vladimir V.
We recommend
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07. 10. 2020
Michail Z.
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07. 10. 2020
Helmut M.
I can highly recommend Carlsbad
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07. 10. 2020
Britta P.
Very good
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07. 10. 2020
Antonina S.
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06. 10. 2020
Elvira U.
I really liked it!
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06. 10. 2020
Corinna P.
Beautiful city worth seeing
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06. 10. 2020
Peter D.
We consider the Karlovy Vary resort to be the best holiday destination on earth, where there is an opportunity to relax your soul and improve your health, we try to visit this wonderful place every year and really hope that in this difficult time for everyone, everything will remain intact and the resort will continue to delight everyone, who, like us, loves to spend their holidays here.
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06. 10. 2020
Irene R.
I really liked the spa treatment in Karlovy Vary, we recommend everyone to go there.
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06. 10. 2020
Karl-Heinz K.
Very good
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06. 10. 2020
Vera P.
The resort is wonderful, I will definitely return, but to another resort
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06. 10. 2020
Iryna K.
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