Karlovy Vary customer reviews site sanatoriums.com

Homepage Czech Republic Karlovy Vary Rewiews

What our guests say about Karlovy Vary?

Visitors have provided 8932 reviews

Get to know our clients' reviews who have visited Karlovy Vary. All reviews were created after leaving the hotel and are based on the personal experience of each guest. We hope that our guests' experiences will help you during your stay in Karlovy Vary.

Guest reviews

16. 02. 2020
Elena K.
Wonderful resort.
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15. 02. 2020
Marina W.
15. 02. 2020
Владимир К.
great resort
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15. 02. 2020
Viktor K.
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14. 02. 2020
Wilhelm S.
A fairytale place!!! Gladly again!
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14. 02. 2020
Svetlana S.
The historical resort of Karlovy Vary is very beautiful and diverse.
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14. 02. 2020
Елена Д.
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14. 02. 2020
Andrei L.
We recommend it to everyone, we really like it
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14. 02. 2020
Viktor M.
will recommend it to friends
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14. 02. 2020
Wladimir R.
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14. 02. 2020
Оксана Г.
It was my first time, everything was like in a fairy tale. I highly recommend going there👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
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13. 02. 2020
Vladimir P.
The resort is excellent.
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13. 02. 2020
Kochneva O.
13. 02. 2020
Vitali K.
This is a beautiful city.
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13. 02. 2020
Татьяна П.
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13. 02. 2020
Elena L.
The resort is super, as is the location, considering that you can fly to Karlovy Vary by plane and don’t have to travel from Prague, it’s very cool.
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12. 02. 2020
Ekaterina D.
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12. 02. 2020
Boris C.
A wonderful, interesting and calm resort.
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12. 02. 2020
Makhmud M.
My wife and I vacationed for 2 weeks at the Ambassador. The location is convenient. The food is very varied and tasty. There is a lot of variety of vegetables and fruits in the diet. The staff is friendly. I liked the treatment procedures. To make it more convenient for my wife and I to receive procedures, the schedule of procedures was redone for even better optimization of time.
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12. 02. 2020
Анжелика В.
I really like it but not everything
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12. 02. 2020
Аnna E.
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12. 02. 2020
Maxim B.
Karlovy Vary is an excellent resort for treatment and just for relaxation. I recommend to all.
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12. 02. 2020
Viktor K.
12. 02. 2020
Tatjana R.
I love this city very much.
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11. 02. 2020
Marina A.
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11. 02. 2020
Alexander W.
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11. 02. 2020
Nikolaj S.
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11. 02. 2020
Alla T.
krasivij ujtnij -gorod kuda xochetsia vernutsia
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11. 02. 2020
Petr G.
A fabulous place in every way. Will be remembered for the rest of my life, especially since this is our first trip to Europe
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11. 02. 2020
Elena P.
It’s a wonderful town, beautiful, it’s nice to walk around, enjoy the clean air, drink water from the springs, admire the fairy-tale houses. In any weather, even in dank February (we were there in February). If you wish, you can go on excursions - there are a lot of different offers.
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