Reviews about Spa Hotel Villa Smetana 4* (Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic) for 2024 – Hotel rating and expert opinion

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Spa-Hotel Villa Smetana

Krále Jiřího 1096, 36001 Karlovy Vary
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Exceptional Reviews: 874
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Людмила Ф.


I rested in the sanatorium for the second time. The work of the medical department is at the highest level. All, without exception, led by head nurse Irena. Dana works promptly at the reception and never forgets anything. Many thanks to her! It's nice to be remembered, although a year has passed and so many vacationers pass before the eyes of the hotel workers! During my arrival, it was she who greeted me with the words: “Good afternoon, Mrs. Fedorova.” The restaurant has a responsible waiter, Jan, and friendly young waitresses. It's a pity I don't know their names. Thanks to them for the speed and precision of their work and for the smiles with which they greeted the guests! The hotel floors are clean. Many thanks to V. Bure for his efficient work. For a perfectly organized transfer from the airport. I would like to hope that I will turn to you more than once for help in choosing a hotel for a vacation.


Compared to last year, the quality of food has deteriorated noticeably. According to the proposed menu, the hotel does not qualify for 4 stars. The fruit plate is not replenished. If you come to breakfast an hour before the end, 4 apples and a crumpled orange can be waiting for you. In response to my request to bring more oranges, the waitress Simone brought out the same crumpled ones. Neither apricots nor peaches are added. The same goes for dinner. I don’t even want to talk about so-called snacks for dinner! We had to ask for yoghurt at breakfast. And when asked to close the window (it was cold, and the windows were open to a draft), Simone replied: “But we’re hot.” There were days in the room when they didn't even vacuum it. They were just taking out the trash. I'm not talking about dust that has never been wiped off. I did this for the maids myself. It wasn't difficult for me, but I think it's not my responsibility. And when I got into the room, the first thing I did was wash... the balcony. I brought a cloth for cleaning shoes from home. In 21 days the bed linen was changed...2 times. But I had 2 beds, and I slept alternately. Do the staff really need to be reminded about changing linen? The conclusion suggests itself: the hotel was overpraised. Too many enthusiastic words are written. Relaxed. In October 2016, my husband vacationed there on my recommendation. I was delighted! Both from food and from room cleaning! Now my children are going there (on my recommendation). It would be a shame if they had the same impression of the hotel. There are many hotels to suit every taste. And the choice is always up to the client. It's a pity that the doctor changed.
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Answer from Spa-Hotel Villa Smetana

Уважаемая г-жа Фёдорова, большое Вам спасибо за Ваш подробный отзыв, мы конечно очень интересуемся о мнение наших клиентов. Единственное, что мне жаль, что Вы нам все это не сказали во время Вашего проживания, мы бы сразу все решили. Правда, что если фруктов достаточно много, не пополняем больше. Как Вы точно заметили, клиенты (не смотря на то, что это у нас запрещено) выносят именно фрукты в большом количестве из столовой. Но как Вы сами пишете, если Вы просили другие фрукты, Вы их получили, такой момент у нас без вопросов. Мы правда в шоке от Вашего коментария официантки Симоны. На эту тему с ней поговорим и будем за нее следить – так конечно вести себя нельзя. Что касаетя уборки номера - каждый день горничные пылесосят в номере, если непылесосят, то только по желании клиента. Балконы вытирают только один раз в неделю. Постельное бельё меняют каждый 3-тий день. К сожалении доктор, который у нас работал ушёл уже на пенсию. Очень извиняемся, но во времья Вашего пребывания была возможность Ваши пожелания сказать в ресепшне, или встретиться с менеджером или с директором отела и всё решить на месте. Если на следующий раз к нам приедете, очень рады Вас встретим и будем слушать все Ваши напоминания. Желаем Вам крепкого здоровья и всего доброго! Barbora Zemková zástupce ředitele Léčebný hotel Smetana Vyšehrad **** Krále Jiřího 7, 360 01 Karlovy Vary

Anna G.


We stayed at the Sanatorium from July 9-17. Excellent location, 10 minutes walk from the center and from all sources. Amazing nature around. Good medical staff.


A sanatorium that characterizes itself as a SPA must have access to all recreational amenities - sauna, swimming pool - at any time for the client, but here everything was by appointment only and only for 30 minutes and free space was not always guaranteed. One of the administrators did not behave very favorably and was even somewhat angry; one got the impression that she hated all vacationers and was tired of life in general. Because I’m from Western Europe, bringing gifts to doctors and nurses is not accepted here, I didn’t like the subtle hints... One of the massage therapists, to my horror, had a long manicure, she didn’t serve me, I wouldn’t allow it, but yes to my mother! The only ones who were always the nicest and most accommodating were the waiters.
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Answer from Spa-Hotel Villa Smetana

Уважаемая г-жа Головков, большое Вам спасибо за Ваш отзыв, рады читаем похвалы, но также конечно следим за тем, что можно сделать лучше. Как Вы знаете, бассейн и вэлнесс у нас небольшие, если бы туда все клиенты пришли сразу, не были бы довольны, по этому администраторы записывают клиентов по времени. Вход свободный, не возможно, что там клиенты будут одни. С администратором и с массажисткой поговорим, невозможно так себя вести. Надеемся, что эты моменты не испортили Ваш отдых, Вы наслаждались другими процедурами, едой и природой вокруг. Желаем Вам всего доброго и до встречи! Barbora Zemková zástupce ředitele Léčebný hotel Smetana Vyšehrad **** Krále Jiřího 7, 360 01 Karlovy Vary

Zanda .


Very good spa center, swimming pool. Always smiling medical staff / except for the head nurse / I liked the food, three meals a day was too much. Two meals a day would have been enough for me. The location is beautiful, there is a park nearby, and outdoor exercise equipment.


It’s a bit far from the springs, I was tired of running there 3 times a day before meals, I didn’t want to go down to the city in the evening, I sat in my room or in the sauna, the TV is old, there are few Russian channels
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Answer from Spa-Hotel Villa Smetana

Уважаемая г-жа Васильева, большое Вам спасибо за Ваш отзыв, рады его прочитали. Именно в рамках питания у нас было много изменений, поэтому нас радует, что Вам питание (и не только оно) у нас понравилось. Только мне жаль, что здесь не было столько русских каналов, сколько Вам было нужно. Надеюсь Вам это отпуск не испортило и Вы хорошо отдохнули и укрепили свое здоровье. До скорой встречи в нашем отеле! Barbora Zemková zástupce ředitele Léčebný hotel Smetana Vyšehrad **** Krále Jiřího 7, 360 01 Karlovy Var

Татьяна З.


Dear ladies and gentlemen, I express my deepest gratitude. Everything went at the highest level. The hotel itself has wonderful staff, wonderful massage therapists who give their full energy and good mood. Responsive doctor. All questions regarding procedures and treatment were completed 100 percent. The waiters in the restaurant provided top-notch service. Taking into account the illnesses of clients, they always helped. I especially want to mention Ian. He is a true professional in his field. It was my anniversary and on this day everyone in the whole hotel congratulated me and said only good and kind words. There was, of course, a surprise from the Hotel. Thank you very much for the gift!!!!!!!! Human and sincere communication is very important to us elderly people. Wonderful hotel, wonderful people!!!!


The food in the restaurant was very tasty, but when you are there for 21 days, you would like a little variety.
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Answer from Spa-Hotel Villa Smetana

Уважаемая г-жа Зубкова, Не представляете, как нам приятно читать Ваши слова! Огромное Вам спасибо за прекрасыный отзыв, кажется, что кроме того, что Вам у нас понравилось, Вы отлично отдохнули и удачно лечились. Что касается разнообразия еды, мы над этим работаем, только что поменяли меню и верим, что все изменения только к лучшему. Но на следующий раз – если будут у Вас другие пожелания, рады с Вами о них поговорим и сделаем максимум, что бы Вы от нас всегда уехали доволны 😊 Barbora Zemková zástupce ředitele Léčebný hotel Smetana Vyšehrad **** Krále Jiřího 7, 360 01 Karlovy Vary

Klara B.


We really liked the Smetana Vyshegrad Hotel. Very good service, snow-white bed linen, which is often changed, friendly, friendly waiters in the restaurant, responsive, sincere medical staff. Many thanks to all the staff. Special thanks to the receptionist - they will always help and advise you in any matter.


I wish all female massage therapists would watch the length of their nails :)
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Светлана П.


As always we were very pleased! We will definitely come again!


It would be nice to return towels to the sauna
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Tatiana G.


Karlovy Vary / wonderful city.


The prescription of treatment at the sanatorium does not always meet my needs
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Answer from Spa-Hotel Villa Smetana

Уважаемая г-жа Горбаткова, спасибо за Ваш отзыв! Надеемся, что Вам в Карловых Варах и в нашем отеле понравилось. К Вашему комментарию по лечению – клиент в нашем отеле получает медицинские процедуры, основанные на медицинском осмотре. Если клиент недоволен процедурами, которые врач назначил, то нужно поговорить именно с ним и договориться на лечебной программе так, что бы Вам была полезна, но также приятная. Значить на следущщий раз Вас попросим, если что-то будет не так, поговорите пожалуйста с врачом. Мы всегда стараемся выйти клиентам на встречу. Спасибо и желаем Вам всего доброго! Barbora Zemková zástupce ředitele Léčebný hotel Smetana Vyšehrad **** Krále Jiřího 7, 360 01 Karlovy Vary

Irina K.


The location of the spa hotel is great. There is a forest nearby. It is wonderful. The need to go to sources forces us to walk and move a lot. This is useful. The atmosphere in the hotel is wonderful. Vacationers are focused on the positive, and so are the staff, who try to be attentive to everyone.


Unfortunately, I noted for myself that the massage, instead of the prescribed 20 minutes, took 15, or even 12 minutes. It's a pity. Overall the massage was good. And in the restaurant there were fruits with mold (apricot and nectarine)
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Answer from Spa-Hotel Villa Smetana

Уважаемая г-жа Киселева, спасибо за Ваш отзыв! В нашем отеле массаж классический частичный делается 20 минут, в случае если клиент на массаж прийдёт позднее массажист может только по договору с клиентом массаж укоротчивать. И клиенты лучше принимают такой массаж, чем потерять процедуру вообще. Но это единственный вариант, когда такая массаж делается меньше, чем 20 минут, поэтому также у наших массажистов дигитальные часы, что бы как клиент, также массажист мог проверить время. Мне очень жаль, что Вы встретились с фруктами не большого качества, я уже официантам и поварам сказала, что бы за качеством фруктов больше следили, в так горячих днях к сожалению фрукты испорчены быстрее, чем обычно. Надеюсь, что Ваш отпуск таким испорчен не был и желаю Вам всего доброго! Barbora Zemková zástupce ředitele Léčebný hotel Smetana Vyšehrad **** Krále Jiřího 7, 360 01 Karlovy Vary

Ludmila G.


The hotel is in a great location - next to a forest, next to a beautiful Orthodox church and surrounded by equally beautiful hotels. It’s a bit far from the springs, but for those who don’t have problems with their legs, it’s not even bad - a good opportunity to take a walk. The hotel is cozy, calm, clean. The linen in the room is amazingly white, towels are changed upon request. Food for every taste and appetite, varied and very plentiful. Very friendly and friendly staff - administrators, treatment nurses, and waiters - smiling, polite, helpful. Thanks a lot, everyone. All liked it. I rested my body and soul. If possible, I will come back to this hotel. And special thanks to the site for reliable information and for the quick response to questions that arise.
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Александр К.


My name is Evgeniya. My family and I vacationed in the Czech Republic for the first time. Everything turned out perfectly. Everyone is happy. The food is very tasty. Everything was in abundance. The price included a swimming pool and a sauna, which made us very happy. Parking near the hotel without additional payments, which is important. The staff speaks three languages, respect!
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Nikolai K.


A very good hotel, friendly staff (fluent in Russian) from the front door (I don’t use the word RECEPTION as a matter of principle) to room cleaning. The medical staff is qualified. You can adjust the procedures if you don’t like something. And there are no complaints about the food. Alcoholic drinks are not intrusively offered as in other hotels, which is logical - people came (flew) for treatment. Although if you order, they will bring it. The location of the hotel is in close proximity to the park. Ideal for lovers of walks and fresh air. And the sources are not so far away.
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Svetlana N.


A stay at this hotel is one of the best and most unforgettable in Karlovy Vary. Excellent location on a beautiful street next to an Orthodox church, extraordinary view of the city from the room. You can get to the springs in different ways: along Sadova Street in 10-15 minutes or directly up the stairs faster: such a walk is useful physical activity. The food is very tasty and varied. The procedures were prescribed taking into account the wishes and were performed on time and with high quality. The staff is very friendly. The hotel has a well-equipped sauna. The pool is not very large, but the recording of visits is clearly organized - almost every day I was able to swim alone. Forest hiking trails of varying degrees of difficulty begin near the hotel - many hours of walks in the forest are available. The impressions from your stay at this hotel are the most favorable. The choice of hotel for your next trip to Karlovy Vary will be clear - only Smetana Vysehrad.


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Mikhail F.


Good location, closed parking, beautiful view (room with balcony)


A couple of times the dinners left much to be desired in taste.
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Vaceslav F.


Pleasant and polite staff. Comfortable and clean rooms. Free sauna, swimming pool and parking. Silence and great air. Behind the hotel there is a forested area.


I would like to see more vegetarian dishes, fresh vegetables and fruits on the menu.
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Oleg G.


* delicious, varied cuisine * excellent pool and sauna * friendly staff * wonderful treatments * room overlooking a dazzlingly beautiful Orthodox church.
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Риттер Л.


Loved the tasteful spa


Food: could use some variety, especially regarding the salads. During the week it was the same thing. :(
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Yosef V.


Everyone is very happy. Great staff, everyone is very attentive and friendly. All at the highest level. We will definitely come back again.
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Борис Г.


My wife and I vacationed at the Smetana Vyšehrad spa hotel in the second half of May 2017. The hotel left the best impressions. Externally, this is a wonderful building, located in a beautiful place in the city, relatively close to the center. The inside of the hotel is very clean, the staff is kind and attentive, ready to immediately respond to any request of the guest. The food is varied and very tasty. Treatment procedures are carried out by friendly staff within the specified time frame. Some time has passed since our vacation ended, but now I want to return to this hotel again, I want to meet the nice people working there again. Glazman Boris, St. Petersburg
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Антонина .


The hotel serves drinks at breakfast, lunch and dinner (juices, tea, coffee only in the morning), which is a very nice bonus; in previous hotels only plain water was served for lunch and dinner. The pool is open from 8 am to 9 pm, which is also not possible in every hotel. It seemed to me quite reasonable that the time for visiting the pool should be agreed upon at the reception. The pool is small and five or six people swimming at the same time would be undesirable. And I didn’t have any inconvenience with the coordination, I always got the opportunity to swim at the desired time +/- half an hour, and I swam alone. The water in the pool is always at a comfortable temperature. In the sauna area there is a mini pool with hydromassage. An undoubted advantage is the moderate cost of accommodation with treatment and full board.


The hotel is located in the upper part of the city, the rise is quite significant, which can create inconvenience for people with serious musculoskeletal problems. The distance from mineral sources can also create inconvenience for those who cannot walk a lot. I’m not sure if there is a countercurrent in the pool, maybe I just never managed to turn it on.
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Tamara W.


The hotel was very well equipped with the addition of a swimming pool and a sauna complex. In my opinion, this hotel, with such a treatment base, is at the level of the best hotels in Karlovy Vary. The treatment was very well organized. There are no delays in any department. The staff is attentive and friendly. The hotel is very conveniently located. The fact that he is above the level only brings him benefits: clean air, no city noise and climbing stairs is good for his health. In three weeks we had the maximum pleasure.


There are no cons. Is the squeaky floor already under repair?
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Anzela M.


Very nice staff, friendly, attentive. The hotel is clean, procedures are on time, without any hassles. In Smetana, the room inventory is a little outdated, there is no air conditioning, but this does not interfere. Very comfortable bed.


There are practically no downsides. a wish to equip air conditioners and slightly update the interior of the rooms; in the evenings the Internet in the rooms is weak
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Романчук С.


A pleasant feeling from the beautiful building and its location (there are many trees nearby, birds are singing), good beds, freshly renovated bathrooms, cleaning every day, bed linen changed 2 times in 10 days. The staff is friendly, quality treatments (masseur Varka, nurses Maria, Eva, Bednarova). Nice small spa and pool. There are 4 types of lunch and dinner to choose from. Many thanks to all the staff for a good holiday.


Given the location on a hill, in order to stay hydrated and have time for procedures and meals, you need to constantly walk up and down (although this turned out to be additional useful training). The pool occupancy record is not observed (it is better not to gather more than three people). The buffet is not always of high quality; it will be difficult for dietary meals.
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Ирина А.


We've stayed at this resort several times already. very pleased. Special thanks to DANA. Always ready to help in organizing our holiday.. Professional in his field. Karlovy Vary is beautiful as always. Staying here has a beneficial effect on your health. WE WILL DEFINITELY TRY TO COME TO THIS HOTEL. The VIEW of the Church of Peter and Paul from the room window is mesmerizing. THANK YOU to all the staff.


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Татьяна В.


friendly waiters, friendly and friendly administrators.


The work of the medical staff is not very good. The cleaning of the rooms is also not very good. The furniture needs to be replaced (the chairs are old), the floors will be fixed.
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Елена Е.


I liked everything very much, especially the work of the staff, food, treatment.


At the end of our stay, it was lazy to climb the hill.
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Леонид Ш.


Everything is fine, the holiday was a success, very nice bathhouse, swimming pool, the staff is nice and helpful


The procedures prescribed by the doctor are not described carefully, in the office where the procedures are performed they constantly ask: where to do it, what pressure (lymphatic drainage), you go to the head nurse and force everything out yourself, the injections prescribed by the doctor for my wife, the nurse wrote to me, the masseuse Irena gives a massage with a C, although once I did it for five, in the restaurant food is removed at 20.00 although it says the restaurant is open until 20.30
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Елена А.


We have stayed at this spa hotel many times. Friendly staff, tasty, varied and regionally flavored food. My husband and I like that the hotel is located on a hill, and not right next to the springs, but you need to walk to drink water. There is also a park and forest nearby for active walks. The procedures are carried out efficiently. If possible, we always try to reschedule procedures for a convenient time. The hotel has its own secure parking, which is very convenient for those arriving by car.
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Sergiy M.


Everything was fine until we visited the doctor and the treatment center


We arrived for only 7 days. The number of procedures is 17 for each. As a result, my husband received 15, and I received 12. We did not receive an apology, but the procedures were added. It took 3 days. The schedule of procedures drawn up by the elder sister did not allow us to go far from the hotel, since the procedures took place throughout the day. It was proposed to coordinate the time of the procedures with the hotel director (!!!) And this was done 3 times. But neither the chief doctor nor the hotel director could solve this problem. Other hotel guests had the same problems. Very sorry for the ruined holiday. It's amazing that one person can completely ruin the treatment, the impressions, and the vacation...
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Сергей Ф.


Wonderful hotel, quiet, uncrowded location, amazing view from the window. Attentive, sensitive staff does everything to ensure that a person rests and heals. The food is excellent. The holiday was a success. If we go next year, we’ll come to you.


The only downside is the poor WI-FI and squeaky floors in the room.
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Elena M.


I went on vacation with a very positive attitude and staying in this hotel only improved my mood. I really liked the location. I love hiking. Everything is within walking distance. Well, sometimes it’s uphill, of course, but I walked slowly, so it’s fine for me. And also, it is very quiet, there are no crowds of tourists. The room's windows overlooked the park. The birds sang all day. The room is ok. The bed is comfortable. The plumbing is new. I liked the very friendly staff. I also liked the food, considering that I am very picky about food. In 10 days, I don’t think you can cure all your ailments, but in general, all the procedures benefited me. I went to the pool in the morning. Swimming alone was such a pleasure. I think that the price/quality ratio is absolutely normal. If I go to Karlovy Vary again, I will go to this hotel again.
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