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Guest reviews

30. 09. 2023
Arkadie B.
I recommend
Very responsible staff. Thankful for the service. The only thing is that the transfer to the airport was 2 hours 20 minutes before departure instead of the minimum 3 hours
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29. 09. 2023
Raisa R.
I recommend
very good service, we were especially pleased with the organization of transfers from the airport to the Prague hotel, then to KARLOVY Vary and then back to the airport. very efficient work of the staff; all problems were resolved instantly! I recommend booking transfers on this site
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29. 09. 2023
Natalija B.
I recommend
The service is lame
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29. 09. 2023
Mark K.
I recommend
29. 09. 2023
Aleksandr S.
I recommend
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29. 09. 2023
Moshe G.
I recommend
Everything is fine. By the way, we met in Abano. I already wrote you a review and gratitude to the hotel.
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29. 09. 2023
Vjaceslav W.
Thank you very much for the suggested sanatorium/spa hotel Windsor. We are very pleased. Thank you very much again.
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29. 09. 2023
Лариса Г.
I recommend
I have been using the sanatoriums website and services for a long time and with pleasure. Never any complaints. I wish you success and prosperity! Thank you!
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29. 09. 2023
Tatjana R.
I recommend
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29. 09. 2023
Татьяна Б.
I recommend
very attentive team!!!!!all our wishes were taken into account and they did everything to make us happy...this is not the first time we have ordered and we will use the services of this company...also the provision of the transfer - everything was on time.. .Thank you
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29. 09. 2023
Marion I.
We were not at all satisfied with the organization of our booked outward transfer. Despite landing in Vienna on time, there was no transfer on site and we received no notification whatsoever. When we asked, there was no explanation, no apology, nothing. This is unacceptable and certainly not recommended. It cost us a lot of nerves and spoiled our vacation because we had to worry about something similar happening on the way back.
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29. 09. 2023
Arkady C.
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29. 09. 2023
Botagoz B.
I recommend
We met for free, we took a private transfer back. Everything went perfectly. We went on excursions. I didn't like the excursion to Berlin. The driver who drove us was very harsh, answered and spoke to us in an arrogant and rude manner. The time specified by agreement did not correspond, he picked us up from there at 16.30, so the allotted time for the excursion turned out to be very short. The guide was an elderly man, the group was not given headphones and the guide himself was without a microphone. The audibility was practically zero, as everything happened on the street, where there were a lot of other people, as well as traffic noise, etc. I really liked the excursion to Prague, the guide Valentina told the history of the Czech Republic very interestingly all the way to Prague. In Prague we managed to see all the places and she told everything very interestingly. Headphones were distributed. I also liked the Munich excursion. The impression of the excursions was spoiled only by the trip to Berlin.
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29. 09. 2023
Samvel J.
I recommend
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29. 09. 2023
Margarita N.
I recommend
We have been using for our trips to Europe for 10 years. Let's boldly say - IMPROCABLE. There were no problems with transfers, correspondence or any questions. I recommended it to everyone I knew. Thank you for the Quality Professional support and ultimately a great vacation!!
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28. 09. 2023
Vladimir L.
I recommend
Great. They answer quickly and give advice.
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28. 09. 2023
Waldemar B.
I recommend
Recommended to visit the hotel
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28. 09. 2023
Elena O.
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28. 09. 2023
Tatjana I.
I recommend
Everything is fine, there were no problems, reliable!
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28. 09. 2023
Ruslana S.
I recommend
I would like to thank all employees for their commitment and support in extending my stay at the sanatorium. Every question remained answered. Good information about everything.
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28. 09. 2023
Galyna T.
I recommend
Great transfer and excursion
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28. 09. 2023
Leonid M.
I recommend
We are satisfied, good service.
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28. 09. 2023
Zayda D.
I recommend
я сбыла в Пессчанах 3раза. мне там очень нравиться. Отличное лечениие и обслуживание. В этом году у меня был один очень неприятный случай с Вероникой. когда я делала себе заказ в санатории я попросила трансфер только в одну сторонну. Я сказала что обратно я закажу трансфер по приезде. За день до отъезда Вероника нашла меня в столовой и сказалаь что она заказала мне трансфер . я ответила что я заказала такси и что я не заказывала у нее трансфер. тогда она начала на меня кричать и требовать отказаться от ткси. Она начала мне угрожать что если я этого не сделаю она меня оштрафует и занесет в черный список.Какое она имела право так грубо со мной разговаривать и угрожатьмне ? Больше услугами санаториумс.сом я пользоваться не буду.Ябуду делать заказ прямо через санаторий. С уважжением Дебора Зайда
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28. 09. 2023
Alexander Z.
Everything is great except the food
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28. 09. 2023
Bayramov N.
I recommend
High-quality, professional work. Thank you.
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