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Guest reviews

08. 10. 2019
Tatiana S.
I recommend
I really liked this site, a pleasant surprise was the free transfer from the airport to the hotel and a free excursion to Prague! I recommend this site to all my friends.
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08. 10. 2019
Makhmutova M.
I recommend
Everything is very, very good. With due care and precaution
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08. 10. 2019
Мотылева В.
I recommend
I wrote my review above, I repeat My rating is the highest at 5+ And I have already started recommending contacting Sanatoriums
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08. 10. 2019
Michael P.
I recommend
We were very satisfied!
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08. 10. 2019
Samuel B.
I recommend
Everything is informative and clear. The service is nice and booking is easy. I would have wished that there had been some information about the treatments when booking and that the travel price had also been stated in crowns, as a little more was debited from the account than was stated in euros. (It's certainly related to the conversion, but it would be more understandable if you had also found out the price in crowns)
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08. 10. 2019
Vera S.
I recommend
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08. 10. 2019
Ольга П.
I’m visiting the site for the 2nd time. I’m happy
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08. 10. 2019
Mikhail T.
I recommend
I would like to mention Lenochka in your company, who helped with hotel and transfer bookings. A very attentive, sensitive and responsive person. If everyone were like Lenochka, then using your site would be much easier.
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07. 10. 2019
Roman F.
I recommend
Мы являемся постоянными клиентами, всегда остаемся в «Империале». Люблю все, начиная с размещения, прекрасного отеля, номеров, отличного медицинского обслуживания, и еда была намного лучшего качества, чем прошлой осенью
07. 10. 2019
Ljubov H.
I recommend
Professional and unobtrusive service!
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07. 10. 2019
Lyudmila P.
I recommend
Great. They respond very quickly and resolve all issues instantly, everything is recorded and the results of the correspondence are sent by email. Not a single post is lost.
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07. 10. 2019
Vera R.
I recommend
The site - quality service. The Sanatoriums company has professional, very pleasant employees. I recommend it.
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07. 10. 2019
Galina O.
I recommend
The service was excellent, there were no problems. The transfer was organized very clearly. The excursions are all at the highest level, with good, professional guides. I really liked the guides Alena and Elena. Thank them very much. All contacts were given and it was possible to quickly contact us with any questions.
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07. 10. 2019
Igor K.
I recommend
Comfortable. Loyal prices.
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07. 10. 2019
Nikolai S.
I recommend
Organized, excellent.
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07. 10. 2019
Elena S.
I do not recommend
There is no feedback, not a single customer service phone answer. Nobody called back. The information on the site does not correspond to reality. Every year the work of Sanatoriums is getting worse. Probably the business is dying.
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Answer from

Елена, добрый день! Проанализировав Ваши запросы в компанию, последнее письмо от Вас было с просьбой выслать ваучер для получения визы. Ваучер был выслан через 2 дня после обращения, больше запросов не поступало. На сайте указаны актуальные контакты менеджеров (номер телефона, e-mail, viber, whatsapp, skype). Готовы помочь Вам в любое время!

07. 10. 2019
Tatsiana D.
Service at the highest level.
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07. 10. 2019
Olga L.
I recommend
Excellent work, fast communication by phone, willingness to mediate with hotel staff in case of language difficulties. The accommodation was as I had requested, in a quiet wing of the hotel. Convenient inexpensive transfer. There is also quick feedback at the booking stage.
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07. 10. 2019
Андрей К.
The service provided a trip 5% cheaper. Thank you!
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07. 10. 2019
Елена А.
I recommend
Excellent service, thanks to which I chose the optimal sanatorium for myself, everything is very detailed, understandable, informative, there is an immediate response to every action, very convenient. Special thanks to Alexey for the transfer, very pleasant, friendly, the trip was very comfortable, everything was on time.
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07. 10. 2019
Ольга Б.
I recommend
Super! The plane's flight was delayed for several hours, but after our email, the sanatoriums passed on the data to the transfer driver and we were safely met and brought to Marianske Lazne. Thanks a lot!
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07. 10. 2019
Alisa S.
I recommend
There are no complaints about the work of "Sanatoriums". We were met at the airport and the transfer arrived back on time. A wonderful excursion to Prague was organized. Special thanks to our guide Alena. Thanks to her, I learned a lot of interesting information about Prague and the Czech Republic. A very erudite guide who loves his job!
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07. 10. 2019
Елена И.
Great. Completely reliable information about the sanatorium. Excellent organization of the transfer: they care, they worry, they call and remind.
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07. 10. 2019
Alena K.
I recommend
Great service. Everything is clear, understandable and convenient.
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07. 10. 2019
Olga E.
I recommend
Thank you for your quality booking services. I checked into the resort without any problems! Next time I will definitely book through your website.
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