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Guest reviews

08. 12. 2019
Inna B.
I recommend
You should only write here what will be followed afterwards. There are 21 treatments on the page but you only got 10 of them.
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07. 12. 2019
Nadezhda S.
I recommend
Portal I recommend. Very comfortably. Thank you ! Next time I will definitely use your portal.
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07. 12. 2019
Любовь Р.
I recommend
Everything is fine. Special thanks for the excursion to Prague.
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07. 12. 2019
Елена С.
I recommend
Favorite SANATORIUMS! Thank you so much for your care, for your excellent service, for your excellent and truthful stories about sanatorium places in the world! We collaborated with you three times and realized that we are head over heels in love with you forever :-) Like little children by the hand, you lead tourists into the world of exciting and useful travel. Thanks for your hard work!
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07. 12. 2019
Elena P.
I do not recommend
This is not the first time we use it, it was better before
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Уважаемая Елена! Благодарим, за оставленный отзыв. Проанализировав Ваши запросы, хотим сообщить что в заказе вашего пребывания была указана категория комфорт, однако Вы заранее не указали, что Вам нужен номер с раздельными кроватями. Предоставленный Вам номер был согласно забронированной Вами категории комфорт, но кровати не были раздельными. На основе вашего желания мы попробовали предоставить вам номер с дополнительной кроватью, но так как размер этой категории оказался недостаточно комфортным, мы сделали вам предложение номера "супериор" за доплату со скидкой. Вы приняли наше предложение оплатив эту сумму, и переселились в предоставленный номер. Нам очень жаль, что возникло недопонимание данной ситуации, мы всегда стараемся сделать Ваше пребывание в отеле максимально комфортным.

06. 12. 2019
Erika S.
I recommend
in order
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06. 12. 2019
Николай Д.
I recommend
We waited about an hour for the transfer. Service is top three.
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Answer from

Добрый день, уважаемый Николай Дорохов! Вами был забронирован бесплатный групповой трансфер из аэропорта Будапешт, который предусматривает ожидание в аэропорту до 2-х часов, о чем мы всегда предупреждаем в письме подтверждении трансфера. Мы всегда максимально стараемся сократить срок ожидания. Приносим извинения за доставленные неудобства!

06. 12. 2019
Tatiana S.
I recommend
Excellent resort with good service
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06. 12. 2019
Iuliia S.
I recommend
Excellent, thank you very much for a wonderful holiday! Great transfer and excursions!
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06. 12. 2019
Larisa S.
I recommend
Excellent service, the transfer was well organized. But I didn’t get a free excursion and the worst thing was that they promised me before the day of departure and in the end I didn’t go on it from the sanatorium, I left without seeing the city. I only went to museums on my own, expecting a tour.
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06. 12. 2019
Наталья С.
I recommend
Normally organized service, always answering questions. There were no problems.
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05. 12. 2019
Elena A.
I recommend
I think the service is well organized and runs smoothly. All questions that arise can be resolved either via chat or by phone. Transfer issues are resolved perfectly. I have been using your service for 4 years now, I am very satisfied. I recommend to all!
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04. 12. 2019
Ludmila B.
I recommend
Very good!!
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04. 12. 2019
Uwe L.
I recommend
The entire service works perfectly.
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04. 12. 2019
Lubow W.
I recommend
The service is good. But I think it is incorrect to increase the fare by almost 40% a month before the trip.
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04. 12. 2019
Larisa R.
The service is wonderful. This is the fifth year - the sixth time I have been using your website for trips to sanatoriums. Everything is always clear - booking sanatoriums and booking transfers. Thanks to the whole team.
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04. 12. 2019
Людмила Н.
I recommend
I rate it as good. Thanks to the representative Elena. We were greeted well, but the return transfer was not very good. The driver was talking on the phone while driving, holding the steering wheel with one hand and the phone with the other. I stopped at a gas station, didn’t say anything, started wiping the car windows and mirrors, and left for about five minutes. If not for this incident it would have been great. This is my second time traveling with you and I plan to contact you in the future.
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Answer from

Уважаемая Людмила Некрасова! Спасибо Вам за приятные слова в адрес нашей компании! Мы искренне рады, что Вы остались довольны отдыхом. Насчет трансфера мы передали Ваши замечания партнерам, конечно такое поведение недопустимо и больше такие ситуации не повторятся! Спасибо, что остаетесь с нами!

04. 12. 2019
Giovanni C.
I recommend
thanks to your website I have known a relaxing place at a great price. thanks
03. 12. 2019
Johann K.
I recommend
We are very satisfied with our stay in your hotel "Flora". And want to come to you again.
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03. 12. 2019
Nadia B.
I recommend
Very reliable, easy to get answers to all your questions.
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03. 12. 2019
Frid B.
I recommend
Netter kompeter Service
03. 12. 2019
Raisa L.
I recommend
Good afternoon. Staying at the sanatorium left the best impressions. I feel good and cheerful. Thanks to all the doctors, staff and all the staff of the sanatorium. I would like to ask or suggest making the sanatorium’s website more accessible, so that it is clear what procedures I can count on if I’m going, for example, for seven days. And which ones will be offered, if for 10 days, etc. As it turned out, after staying for 7 days, they could not offer me some of the procedures that I was counting on.
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03. 12. 2019
Monika S.
I recommend
The service is great, if you have a question when booking you get a quick answer. The 4* hotel I had chosen was great, corresponded exactly to the description and was very cheap, other providers are a little more expensive and require deposits or payment before departure. Here you can pay at the hotel.
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02. 12. 2019
Неонила П.
I recommend
Thank you. Everything is very good.
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02. 12. 2019
Katrin B.
I recommend
Very good, was contacted about 2 weeks before the start of the treatment for possible cancellation.
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