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Guest reviews

16. 12. 2019
Валерий В.
I recommend
Fabulous! We are very pleased with the service and intend to use your services in the future!
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16. 12. 2019
Elena Р.
The service is excellent. And the transfer, and the opportunity to choose any hotel on the website, and first familiarize yourself with the conditions of accommodation, meals, cancellation of reservations, etc. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the staff!
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16. 12. 2019
Varfolomeeva A.
I recommend
Thank you. Everything is simple and clear and with confirmation, which is important. Thank you
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16. 12. 2019
Марина Г.
I recommend
Excellent!! Thank you for organizing the holiday!
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16. 12. 2019
Natalia G.
I recommend
The service is 100% debugged, everything is clear, coordinated and on time
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16. 12. 2019
Olga T.
I recommend
excellent service, just envelops you with attention and help
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16. 12. 2019
Алла С.
I recommend
The service is very convenient. You can find out in detail about any hotel, in any country.
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16. 12. 2019
Galina M.
I recommend
Clear and timely information about upcoming events, booking and transfer arrangements. The excursion was also booked here. Hello Irene!
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16. 12. 2019
Сергей K.
I recommend
Sanatorium.som Positive, they immediately responded to my complaint, but it took a long time to agree on why the bill was inflated???
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Answer from

Уважаемый Сергей, благодарим Вас за отзыв. Оплата, согласно условиям Вашего бронирования - по заезду в санаторий. К сожалению, в санатории произошла ошибка при расчете, но вовремя это исправили и предоставили Вам верный счет, также принесли Вам свои искренние извинения. Надеемся данное недоразумение не испортило Ваш отдых. Будем рады Вам помочь с организацией отдыха в следующий раз

16. 12. 2019
Ирина Ч.
I recommend
Thank you very much for your work, the bonus in the form of a free transfer and care for regular customers
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16. 12. 2019
Sergei I.
I recommend
Great service! Everything that was stated was fulfilled, and even more. ;)
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16. 12. 2019
Евгений Е.
I recommend
I liked everything except the “free” excursion to Karlovy Vary. On the way there, we were taken to some store for almost two hours, and lost a lot of time there, fighting off extremely intrusive salespeople. The excursion was stated to last 2.5 hours, but in fact it was 1.5. We didn’t even visit Prague Castle, we started straight from the Charles Bridge. Apparently we had to stretch out the time and walked across the bridge for half an hour, we were very cold. Then we walked in circles for half an hour from the bridge to the square to the clock. Everyone was cold, tired, and of course they happily ran to the “pre-booked” restaurant. All the way back we listened to stories about the guide’s family, although we really wanted silence.
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Answer from

Уважаемый Евгений Ершов! Спасибо за отзыв. По-поводу экскурсии, нам очень жаль, что у Вас остались негативные впечатления. Хотелось бы уточнить некоторые нюансы. Наши гиды всегда прислушиваются к пожеланиям гостей и учитывают все пожелания, из-за погодный условий поступила коллективная просьба посетить ресторан. Заранее никакие заведения мы не бронируем, мы всегда посещаем те заведения, которые хотят сами клиенты.

16. 12. 2019
Nikolai K.
I recommend
This service is what you need! Great!
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15. 12. 2019
Светлана Б.
I recommend
I have been using the service for 3 years and am very satisfied. Everything is clear and reliable! Thank you!!!
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15. 12. 2019
Ольелга К.
I recommend
Service Great advantage. I am planning to visit your sanatoriums in the summer. My only request is that I can't get a bonus card. Help. Please advise where you can treat your joints. Preferably in the Czech Republic. Thank you.
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Answer from

Уважаемая Ольелга, благодарим Вас за отзыв, На данный момент, к сожалению не предусмотрена бонусная программа для постоянных клиентов, мы стараемся чтобы цены на нашем сайте всегда были представлены с максимальной скидкой. Также, на некоторые санатории действует дополнительная скидка при бронировании по телефону. С удовольствием, поможем Вам подобрать санаторий по Вашему лечебному профилю. Для получения врачебной консультации, воспользуйтесь, любым, удобным для Вас каналом связи (почта -, Телефон - +7 (495) 182-10-88, WhatsApp +420737459155)

15. 12. 2019
Ralf M.
I recommend
Very good, no unanswered questions, no problems
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15. 12. 2019
Michael F.
I recommend
Helps you make the right choice immediately
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15. 12. 2019
Татьяна М.
I recommend
Convenient service.
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15. 12. 2019
Alexander S.
I recommend
Very good site.
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15. 12. 2019
Marina C.
I recommend
attentive friendly staff
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15. 12. 2019
Jakob P.
I recommend
The service is good.
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15. 12. 2019
Iurii P.
I recommend
Very convenient, reliable service. Thank you!
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15. 12. 2019
Olga B.
I recommend
Thank you for the trip to Prague, the guide Alena is super
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15. 12. 2019
Galina I.
I recommend
An excellent company,, provides hotel booking, transfer and excursion services.
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15. 12. 2019
Elena K.
I recommend
Sanatoriums - impeccable as always :) never had any problems
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