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Guest reviews

07. 04. 2023
Margit G.
I recommend
In the end everything worked out well
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07. 04. 2023
Viktor K.
I recommend
Always good offers on the page
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07. 04. 2023
Helga V.
I recommend
Very good
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06. 04. 2023
Helen L.
I recommend
Overall, I am very pleased with the service of sanatorium com. I used the booking through the sanatorium three times. com Everything was always organized at a high level. My last flight was not entirely successful; I had to look for a group transfer driver at the airport for a long time; he was not at the exit where flight passengers disembark for 40 minutes. And the sign with the list of passengers' names was not visible. The transfer from the hotel to the airport was perfectly organized. An excellent driver, I have already traveled with him twice from the Karlovy Vary hotel to Prague. Personal huge thanks to the driver and the sanatorium team. com for organizing your vacation.
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05. 04. 2023
Silke B.
I recommend
The discount booking worked perfectly
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05. 04. 2023
Tetiana A.
I recommend
We plan to visit and book such a vacation every year through your website.
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05. 04. 2023
Lina S.
I recommend
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05. 04. 2023
Vasilij H.
I recommend
We liked it, thank you! We think we will use your services more than once.
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05. 04. 2023
Rita L.
I recommend
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05. 04. 2023
Slava A.
I recommend
Uncomplicated processing.
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05. 04. 2023
Karin Z.
I recommend
taking construction noise into account in 2023 and probably also in 2024
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05. 04. 2023
Nadine H.
Because of construction work, no rest, you can't relax, and it's already taking a while. Hopefully they'll get it done this year. It was discussed with us that we could complete more treatments in the hotel, but they didn't do it. There was almost no time left Although it wasn't like that in the hotel, the new sauna and swimming pool are great!
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05. 04. 2023
Lev L.
I recommend
Bravo!!! Keep it up!!!
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04. 04. 2023
Mariola C.
I recommend
The service is OK, only there were some language problems when booking the trip to Prague.
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04. 04. 2023
Olga J.
I do not recommend
Overall, I like the service, but the depiction of the single room for the Hotel Ulrika on their website does not correspond to reality. See my review of Hotel Ulrika.
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04. 04. 2023
Olga I.
I recommend
Very good.
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04. 04. 2023
Eugen K.
I recommend
From the moment of booking to arrival at the resort, more and more new questions appeared. Since I was going to the resort for the first time. At any time I called and received answers, advice, and also in cases when I could not get through, they called me back. Service at the highest level. I hope to use your services again!
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04. 04. 2023
Tatjana K.
I recommend
Everything worked out very well, but there was some tension with the departure tickets; they were sent two hours before the transfer and there was no way to print them. At the same time, Wi-Fi at the airport does not always work well. I would like tickets to be sent 24 hours in advance, just like check-in for a flight, so you can understand that everything is in order.
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Answer from

Уважаемая Tatjana Krutova. Благодарим Вас за оставленный отзыв. По поводу авиабилетов хотим уточнить, что наш менеджер выслала их сразу, как только получила от авиакомпании - утром в 8.40, а Ваш вылет был в 20.00. Вы могли распечатать его в отеле, либо просто сделать фото. Также мы указали, что данный талон принимают в электронном виде, печать необязательна. Нам очень жаль, что этот момент вызвал у Вас волнение. Благодарим Вас, что выбрали наш портал!

03. 04. 2023
Ellen B.
I recommend
Well positioned
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03. 04. 2023
Joachim G.
I recommend
Everything worked, there's nothing to complain about. The trip to Prague would have been more interesting if the weather was nice.
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03. 04. 2023
Tatjana Z.
I recommend
Everything Great!
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03. 04. 2023
Volkmar R.
I recommend
The service and everything around was very pleasant.
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03. 04. 2023
Emil J.
I recommend
Very good
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03. 04. 2023
Anna E.
I recommend
Hello. I would like to say many thanks to everyone working at the hotel for their good attitude, attention and responsiveness. Special thanks to the medical staff, information. And many thanks to Elzara, Svetlana, Lena and Irina. Where I bought my ticket. Very friendly, helpful, good-natured with advice. LG
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03. 04. 2023
Raisa S.
I recommend
We were immediately included in a WhatsApp chat and Irena constantly informed us about upcoming events.
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