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Guest reviews

12. 08. 2021
Римма А.
I recommend
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11. 08. 2021
Galina S.
I do not recommend
The service leaves much to be desired. Some promises made when ordering were not fulfilled and the hotel was unable to provide this
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Answer from

Добрый день, уважаемая Галина! Мы перепроверили все письма от Вас и звонки, но к сожалению, не нашли Ваше обращение, которое мы не удовлетворили. Если у Вас остались замечания, Вы можете написать их нам на почту

10. 08. 2021
Artem G.
I do not recommend
The site is generally clear. But I didn’t like the fact that at some stage of communication the operators suddenly stopped picking up the phone and started communicating only by written messages via Viber. I think that this is not only impolite, but also takes more time for both parties to resolve issues.
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Answer from

Уважаемый Артем. К сожалению, во время Ваших повторных обращений линия была перегружена и операторы не могли ответить на звонок. Поскольку Вами было отправлено письменное сообщение в вайбере, менеджеры Вам дали письменный ответ. Если у Вас возникает вопрос, связанный с бронированием, Вы в любое время можете позвонить по номерам, указанным у нас на сайте

10. 08. 2021
Isaak G.
I recommend
The service of the website is excellent, we are very satisfied. We used it for the first time and will continue to use it in the future. Although there are some overlaps. Well, for example, we were promised in correspondence a few days before the trip that we would definitely have a packed lunch in our room upon late evening check-in. Of course, none of this happened. No one controls what is promised in correspondence, or they simply do not notify the sanatorium itself about this. Apparently, as always, there is a human factor.
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Answer from

Добрый день, уважаемый Исаак. С нашей стороны были выполнены все обещания. Просьба в отель была передана и мы получили ответ, что отель учтет нашу просьбу. Нам очень жаль, что получилась такая накладка. Наши менеджеры всегда на связи и готовы помочь при возникновении любых вопросов

10. 08. 2021
Mikhail G.
I recommend
Convenient service. There were no problems.
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09. 08. 2021
Gerhard P.
I recommend is a clear site with reliable information.
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09. 08. 2021
Olga K.
I recommend
I would recommend, EVERYTHING worked perfectly - from A to Z. Thank you!
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09. 08. 2021
Yanina P.
I recommend
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09. 08. 2021
Alina Z.
I recommend
everything is fine!!!
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09. 08. 2021
Fakhraddin A.
I recommend
Everything is fine, clear and quite informative interface. The main thing is that all the information is reliable, without embellishment.
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09. 08. 2021
Angela P.
I recommend
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09. 08. 2021
Liudmila R.
I would like to see which packages include which free procedures
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08. 08. 2021
Vladimir Y.
I recommend
the service is not bad. They don’t know some of the nuances in hotels. Superficially not bad and happy for the price!
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Answer from

Уважаемый Владимир! Мы проверили все Ваши письменные обращения и нам очень жаль, что у Вас остались вопросы. С нашей стороны мы старались выполнить все Ваши просьбы и дать ответы на вопросы.

08. 08. 2021
Nadezhda K.
I recommend
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08. 08. 2021
Alexander S.
I recommend
Everything is good, except for the city tour included in the price, which did not take place... because... The sanatorium conducts only its own paid excursions.
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08. 08. 2021
Friedrich M.
I recommend
Well done!! Very good help from you in choosing resorts. I wish you success!
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08. 08. 2021
Tatiana S.
I recommend
Hello dear employees of “Sanatoriums”! My first trip to the Czech Republic – Marienbad-Hotel Monty, organized by your company, has ended. I thank ALL employees of Sanatoriums for the good organization, quick resolution and complete information on the questions that arose and interested me. Special thanks to Ninel Prishenko.
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08. 08. 2021
Юлия С.
In general, the site works well, I am a long-time customer, and I have not had any negative experiences, because... I traveled abroad. In Russia, there were problems with payment: it was necessary to pay the invoice using details that Raiffeisen Bank did not allow. Only with the arrival of the site representative at the resort, A. Romanenko, was I able to make payment through the terminal.
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08. 08. 2021
Susanne F.
I recommend
Uncomplicated processing of the booking. If I have any questions, I always get a quick answer.
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08. 08. 2021
Jelena G.
I recommend
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08. 08. 2021
Angelika F.
I recommend
The service is good, the trips with guide Elena were just a miracle. Thank you
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08. 08. 2021
Nelli B.
I recommend
We went on excursions twice with Elena from, she was just a miracle, she gave such a good excursion and told us everything well about the history of the Czech Republic. Well done
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08. 08. 2021
Sergej K.
I recommend
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08. 08. 2021
Inna K.
I recommend
Based on a 10-point rating, we give it 10+!
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08. 08. 2021
Ольга М.
I recommend
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