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Guest reviews

29. 12. 2019
Svetlana S.
I do not recommend
It’s convenient to book, although the hotel didn’t inform the hotel of my check-in requests, which was important. They put us in the worst hotel room and said it was because we booked on and not directly. They didn't want to change the number. They told the hotels that they had not received any requests from the order. I informed the number of the changed card, it turned out that nothing had been changed, there were problems paying. I was not satisfied with the service
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Уважаемая Светлана, благодарим Вас за отзыв. Ваши пожелания относительно номера были своевременно переданы в санаторий, мы Вам предоставили в подтверждение нашу переписку. Санаторий выполняет пожелание гостей исходя из возможностей, с нашей стороны было сделано все возможное для удовлетворения Ваших пожеланий. Данные банковской карты были переданы в санаторий сразу после Вашего обращения. Санаторий изначально пробовал снять оплату со старой карты, извинившись, произвел оплату с новой карты. Приносим свои извинения за доставленные неудобства. Будем рады Вам помочь при следующем бронировании.

29. 12. 2019
Dmitri E.
I recommend
Booking, confirmation - no problem, fast. Requests are processed within a couple of hours. Respect! Some information about the hotel is outdated, for example the coupon for drinks - they are not in the refrigerator at all.
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Уважаемый Dmitri Egorow! Благодарим Вас за обратную связь и за указанные неточности. Мы обязательно в ближайшее время обновим информацию на сайте

29. 12. 2019
Резеда М.
I recommend
everything is fine, especially the gift - a trip to Prague
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29. 12. 2019
Ольга Е.
I recommend
Service at a high level, starting with arrival, doctor's appointment and treatment procedures.
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29. 12. 2019
Konstantin R.
I recommend
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29. 12. 2019
Алина И.
Excellent service from junior medical staff, waiters in the restaurant and canteen...
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28. 12. 2019
Татьяна У.
I recommend
There are complaints from those who sell vouchers.
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Уважаемая Татьяна, благодарим Вас за отзыв. К сожалению, стоимость была действительно ошибочной, но ситуацию решили в Вашу пользу сотрудники нашей компании. Приносим свои извинения за доставленные неудобства. Будем рады Вам помочь при следующем бронировании

28. 12. 2019
Pinaeva L.
I recommend
I'm very pleased with everything. Thank you for being
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28. 12. 2019
Hartmut S.
I recommend
uncomplicated booking with good and friendly service. Recommended!
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28. 12. 2019
Norbert K.
I recommend
100% fine. Absolutely fair and with reasonable prices. Uncomplicated online processing. Everything in the spa hotel was as you confirmed to us. It was also unusual that no deposit had to be paid. We can fully recommend your company. As you know, you already have another booking from me (from January 10, 2020 in Lithuania). And it shouldn't be our last booking through you. Thank you.i
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28. 12. 2019
Виталий М.
I recommend
Convenient service. It would be nice to be able to adjust your order without canceling your reservation.
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Добрый день, уважаемый Виталий Морозов! Спасибо за Ваш отзыв! Мы всегда идем навстречу нашим клиентам и стараемся внести корректировки в бронирование без отмены. К сожалению, возникают ситуации, когда нужно аннулировать бронь и сделать новую. Мы всегда готовы помочь и подсказать в таких случаях

28. 12. 2019
Oleg K.
I recommend
Top service
28. 12. 2019
Лариса Д.
I recommend
Very good service, everything is very convenient and thoughtful. I've been using this site for several years now and I really like it.
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27. 12. 2019
Joachim A.
I recommend
The staff tries very hard, although communication is sometimes difficult, especially if you don't speak Slavic. This wasn't a problem for me because I know some Russian and Czech, but my partner, who is Spanish, could barely communicate in English either. The waiters and house staff almost all spoke German, but at the reception they were lost!
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27. 12. 2019
Tatiana P.
I recommend
Unfortunately, we are forced to anxiously wait for a transfer upon arrival at the airport for more than two hours in the absence of any information regarding the transfer, while the available telephone numbers for half an hour either did not answer at all, or offered to wait with the indication of queue number 1, and then - complete shutdown. In the end, we were able to get through the phone the tenth time, and they kindly offered to wait. But in fact, until the flight from Moscow arrived, no one met us and, as I understand it, was not going to meet us. In this regard, would it really be difficult to inform in advance about such a transfer algorithm, there would be no worries or waste of money on useless connections on the specified phones!
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Уважаемая Tatiana Ponomareva! Спасибо за оставленный отзыв. Вами был заказан групповой трансфер, который предполагает ожидание до 2-х часов в аэропорту. Мы всегда сообщаем об этом, при заказе трансфера и стараемся сократить время ожидания. Приносим свои извинения, за доставленные неудобства

27. 12. 2019
Виктор И.
I recommend
The service is good. Everything suited me.
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27. 12. 2019
Николай Х.
I recommend
Everything went perfectly: booking, transfer, excursions.
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27. 12. 2019
Andrii S.
I recommend
Thank you for your advice and help, Irena and Valentina. Valentina is a wonderful tour guide.
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27. 12. 2019
Wolfgang D.
I recommend
Everything OK, thanks
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27. 12. 2019
Arnold T.
I recommend
Everything fitted.
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27. 12. 2019
Рима К.
I recommend
The service is very convenient, works without problems, and quickly responds to all requests.
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26. 12. 2019
Людмила Б.
I recommend
Quality of services flawless. Everything is clear, without any hiccups, transfer is on time. All emerging issues are resolved promptly. No complaints. I recommend
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26. 12. 2019
Mina E.
I recommend
I want to say Big Thank you. And I've already recommended website, even at the spa hotel.
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26. 12. 2019
Larissa E.
I recommend
After acquaintance with the website Sanatoriums I plan my treatment and rest only with them!!!! Excellent service!!!
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26. 12. 2019
Helmut S.
I recommend
Everything has already been communicated.
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