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Guest reviews

18. 04. 2023
Almira K.
I recommend
Excellent service, this is the second time I’ve used the service and I’m very pleased! Everything is resolved quickly and without problems!
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18. 04. 2023
Olga G.
I do not recommend
I am dissatisfied with the service. Starting with the fact that you recommended the hotel for people with musculoskeletal problems, since there is a flat road leading to the Colonnade. In fact, the Colonnade is located 10-15 meters lower, although it is opposite the hotel, but you can get to it You can only walk around the perimeter and go down numerous steps. For people with problems this is very difficult. How can you recommend this? I already wrote about the problem with numbers for disabled people. None of you bothered to check, although your clients are probably not the youngest and healthiest people. We don’t want to do business with you anymore, even though we’ve been your clients for 3-4 years.
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Answer from

Уважаемая Olga Grebeshnikova. Наши менеджеры всегда стараются объективно оценивать запросы и давать точные рекомендации по размещению. Санаторий Кривань Вам рекомендовали из-за близости к источникам и наличию оборудованных номеров. Дорога до Колоннады занимает до 10 минут и предусмотрена для людей с ограниченными возможностями. При поселении отель сделал для Вас бонус, бесплатно предоставив парковку у отеля. По поводу номера, мы сразу же передали Вашу просьбу и в отеле обезопасили номер для Вас. После Вашей жалобы на отсутствие специальной ручки, администрация тут же вызвала работника, а Вам был предоставлен номер категорией выше без каких-либо доплат. Также горничная помогла Вам перенести Ваши вещи при смене номера. Нам очень жаль, что Вы остались недовольны Вашим пребыванием. Мы старались сделать Ваш отдых максимально комфортным.

18. 04. 2023
Vladislav H.
I recommend
You have good prices, it’s easy to book a vacation, the staff is always in touch. Overall, we were satisfied and will continue to use your services. The only point, in our case, is that not all information about the hotel that you have is reliable at the moment.
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18. 04. 2023
Iurie P.
I recommend -You have become the best for us! Thank you so much for your work!!! You are a reliable team!!!
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18. 04. 2023
Česlovas L.
I recommend
Very helpful and pleasant staff. Thank you all.
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17. 04. 2023
Alexander M.
I recommend
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17. 04. 2023
Simone R.
I recommend
Very easy booking, all wishes were taken into account. Would book again through Sanatorium.
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17. 04. 2023
Olga S.
I recommend
Very positive and will use again.
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17. 04. 2023
Marina T.
I recommend
You are all very professional. Thank you.
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17. 04. 2023
Alexander S.
I recommend
At a high level
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17. 04. 2023
Galina T.
I recommend simply great! There are good offers, you can always find something suitable for you!
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17. 04. 2023
Siegfried S.
I recommend
Unfortunately no one could speak German, everything was only in Russian!
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17. 04. 2023
Mirvari G.
I recommend
This is not the first year I have been reserving sanatoriums through your website. Never had any problems. Really evaluate and present hotels and treatment, always in touch. Good luck.
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17. 04. 2023
Natalia T.
Service once again rose to the occasion.
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17. 04. 2023
Michael R.
I recommend
I am very pleased .
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17. 04. 2023
Mark G.
I recommend
Everything was at a very good level.
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17. 04. 2023
Надежда С.
I recommend
Rating 3-5, due to transfer. Overall service -4 out of 5.
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16. 04. 2023
Inga G.
I recommend
Wonderful service.
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16. 04. 2023
Yury B.
I recommend
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16. 04. 2023
Thomas R.
I recommend
The organizer is courteous and considerate, he wants to ensure his spa guests have a pleasant stay.
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16. 04. 2023
Lyudmyla W.
I recommend is just super! Very grateful. Highly recommend .
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16. 04. 2023
Daniela K.
Please choose your drivers more carefully!
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16. 04. 2023
Andrej M.
I recommend
Very good service. Everything is simple and clear. You can contact us on any issue and get the necessary advice and assistance.
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16. 04. 2023
Olga K.
I recommend
In principle, everything is fine.
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16. 04. 2023
Viktor B.
I recommend
Very satisfied!!
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