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Guest reviews

12. 08. 2019
Mikhael E.
I do not recommend
you don’t take care of what you sell, you gave the wrong room, there’s no one to contact you, you sold it and forgot
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Answer from

Уважаемый Mikhael, благодарим Вас за предоставленную информация. Уточнили данные, по Вашему бронированию Вам был предоставлен номер забронированной Вами категории. Отель Вас не мог переселить в номер другой категории по причине высокой загруженности. Будем рады Вам помочь при бронировании в следующий раз

12. 08. 2019
Vera H.
I recommend
The service is wonderful!
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12. 08. 2019
Марио К.
Guys, thank you for what you do! Through you I received detailed and useful information about the resort and all the hotels. Through you, the prices paid for services turned out to be quite cheap. Smiles to everyone :)
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Answer from

Уважаемый, Марио Климов! Рады, что наш сервис был Вам полезен и благодарим за столь приятный отзыв!

12. 08. 2019
Николай З.
I recommend
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12. 08. 2019
Natalja S.
I recommend
Fast. No problem. Reliable.
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12. 08. 2019
Alla H.
I recommend
Thanks to the fact that the service offers videos about hotels, I quickly chose which one to go to. Brief information about the hotels and the procedures offered is also written. Reviews from other users help you make a decision. Convenient and simple. Both when searching and when booking.
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12. 08. 2019
Vladimir K.
I recommend
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11. 08. 2019
Nina S.
I recommend
Service is high
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11. 08. 2019
Viktor P.
I recommend
Very good service, we are satisfied
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11. 08. 2019
Helmut Z.
I recommend
Everything went well and smoothly with the booking. The communication was also excellent.
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11. 08. 2019
Nina K.
I recommend
Great support for questions and suggestions.
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11. 08. 2019
Vadym E.
I recommend
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10. 08. 2019
Евгений К.
I recommend
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10. 08. 2019
Ирина С.
I recommend
This is the second time we have used your services. Everything is accessible and at a high level.
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10. 08. 2019
Елена Ж.
I recommend
Excellent: everything is clear, clear, full package of services (accommodation, transfer), email reminder about booking and transfer services
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10. 08. 2019
Нина К.
I recommend
I have been using the site's services for 4 years now. Everything is convenient and reliable! You can watch a lot of videos and choose what you want.
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10. 08. 2019
Семен Х.
I recommend
Ladies and gentlemen, I want to say one thing that is a very reliable service, don’t be afraid, take it boldly, you won’t regret it. Thanks to the whole team for a great job
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10. 08. 2019
Michael F.
I recommend
everything is fine and the air conditioner is great
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10. 08. 2019
Yosyp R.
I recommend
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10. 08. 2019
Jelena O.
I recommend
Fast, uncomplicated and convenient booking. Reliable. Large selection of offers.
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10. 08. 2019
Анвар С.
I do not recommend
A weak C grade.
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Answer from

Уважаемый Анвар Сабиров! Благодарим Вас за оставленный отзыв. Если бы мы раньше получили информацию о недостатках Вашего отдыха, мы бы максимально поспособствовали их устранению. Уважаемый Анвар Сабиров, мы очень дорожим нашими клиентами и еще раз приносим извинения! При следующем бронировании, напишите нам письмо, мы обязательно сделаем Вам приятный бонус, какой именно зависит от выбранного отеля.

09. 08. 2019
Valeriy Z.
I recommend
The sanatoriums service is at a high level. Clearly and on time transfer from the airport and back. A large selection of excursions, highly qualified guides, excellent transport, two free excursions as a gift. Everything is wonderful!!!
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09. 08. 2019
Vadim S.
I recommend
I appeal not the first time. Always prompt problem solving.
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09. 08. 2019
Александр Г.
I recommend
We've known about this website for a long time, but it's the first time we've used it. I am sure that now we will use only it. Everything was organized flawlessly - meeting, booking, seeing off. Special thanks for the promotion - medical gymnastics in the morning. We are completely delighted.
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09. 08. 2019
Marina D.
I recommend
Great. I really enjoyed the free excursion to Prague.
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